Monday, August 24, 2020

Padmanbha Swamy Temple Essay Example

Padmanbha Swamy Temple Essay Padmanabhaswamy Temple From Wikipedia, the free reference book | Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple | Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple Location in Kerala| Coordinates:| 8â °28? 58? Nâ 76â °56? 37? ECoordinates: 8 °28? 58? Nâ 76â °56? 37? E| Name| Proper name:| Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple| Location| Country:| India| State:| Kerala| Location:| Thiruvananthapuram| Temple Details| Primary divinity God:| Padmanabhaswamy (Vishnu)| Engineering and culture| Architectural styles:| Dravidian architecture (Kovil)| Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple (Malayalam: , s? I padma? abhasvami k? et? a? ?) is a Hindu temple dedicated to Vishnu located in Thiruvananthapuram, India. The holy place is right now run by a trust headed by theâ royal group of Travancore. [1] The sanctuary is one of 108 Divya Desams (Holy Abodes of Vishnu) †chief focuses of love of the god in Vaishnavism. The sanctuary, built in the Dravidian style of engineering, is celebrated in the Divya Prabandha, the early medieval Tamil literature standard of the Tamil Alvar saints (sixth ninth hundreds of years CE), with basic increases to it made all through the sixteenth century CE, when its ornate Gopuram was developed. [2][3] The latest remodels to the sanctuary happened in the eighteenth century CE. The sanctuary includes vigorously in Akilam fiveâ seriesâ of the Akilathirattu Ammanaiâ corpus, the blessed content of the Ayyavazhi belief framework. We will compose a custom paper test on Padmanbha Swamy Temple explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Padmanbha Swamy Temple explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Padmanbha Swamy Temple explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Administrations were furnished to the neighborhood network with the sanctuaries income. The sanctuary gave its name to Kerala’s state capital Thiruvananthapuram. ‘Thiru’ ‘Anantha’ ‘Puram’ means Sacred Abode of Lord Anantha Padmanabha. The head deity, Padmanabhaswamy, is revered in the Anantha-sayanam act (in the unceasing rest of Yoga-nidraâ on theâ serpent Ananta). [4] The Travancore Kings viewed themselves as ‘Padmanabha-dasa’ (Servant of Lord Padmanabha). * | - [edit]History In ealier years[when?  Padmanabhaswamy Temple and its properties were constrained by eight powerful Nair feudal rulers known as Ettuveetil Pillamar (Lords of the Eight Houses), under the direction of the Council of Eight and a Half. In a skirmish of progression in the eighteenth century, King Anizham Thirunal Valiya Marthanda Varma, the ruler customarily viewed as the author of Travancore, effectively stifled the Ettuveetil Pi llais and his cousins following the revelation of intrigues the Lords were engaged with against the Royal House of Travancore. The last significant remodel of the Padmanabhaswamy sanctuary was likewise done by Marthanda Varma. On January 3, 1750, Anizham Thirunal gave up the realm of Travancore to Padmanabha, the god at the sanctuary, and promised that he and his relatives would serve the realm asPadmanabha Dasa. [4] Since at that point, the name of each Travancore King was gone before by the title Padmanabha Dasa, while the female individuals from the Royal family were called Padmanabha Sevinis. The gift of the Kingdom to Sree Padmanabhaswamy was known as Thripadidanam and a while later the Maharaja was known as Sree Padmanabha Dasa Vanchipala Varma Kulashekara Kireetapati. By giving up the realm to Lord Padmanabha, the entire Travancore state turned into the property of Sree Padmanabhaswamy. - [edit]The sanctuary The historical backdrop of the sanctuary goes back to the eighth Century CE, when Thiruvananthapuram was controlled by the Chera Dynasty. The Divya Prabandhacanon of writing by the Alvars glorifies this place of worship as one of 11 Divya Desams in Kerala. It is said that there are references to this sanctuary in four puranas; in particular Brahma, Vayu, Varaha, Padma. The eighth century Alvar poet Nammalvar created four slokas and one phalasruthi about this sanctuary. 5][6] Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple Padmanabhaswamy Temple remains at a spot considered one of the seven Parasurama Kshetras; writings including the Puranas, especially theSkanda Purana and Padma Purana, have references to this sanctuary. Passageway of Sree Padmanabhaswamy sanctuary The two yearly celebrations of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple come full circle in a fa ntastic parade, in which the three divinities (Padmanabha, Narasimha andKrishna) are continued bloom deck and tastefully brightened Garuda Vahanas to Shankumugham Beach, for arattu (hallowed bathing). The arattu days are announced as nearby open occasions in Thiruvanathapuram. [edit]Gopuram The establishment of the present gopuram was laid in 1566. [7] The sanctuary has a 100-foot,[8]â seven-level gopuram made in the Pandyan style. [9] The sanctuary remains by the side of aâ tank, named Padma Theerthamâ (meaning the lotus spring). The sanctuary has a passageway with 365 and one-quarter formed rock stone columns with expand carvings. This hall reaches out from the eastern side into the sanctum sanctorum. An eighty-foot banner staff remains before the primary section from the prakaram (passageway). The ground floor under the gopuram (fundamental passageway in the eastern side) is known as the Nataka Sala where the acclaimed sanctuary craftsmanship Kathakali was organized in the late evening during the ten-dayâ uthsavamâ (festival) led two times per year, during the Malayalam monthsâ of Meenam and Thulam. [edit]Sreekovil | This articleâ may containâ wording that just advances the subjectâ without giving irrefutable data. If it's not too much trouble expel or supplant such wording, except if you can citeâ independent sourcesâ that bolster the portrayal. In the Sreekovil, Vishnu is portrayed in a leaning back situation over the serpent Anantha or Adi Sesha. [10] The snake has his face pointed inwards (implying examination). The Lords right hand hangs over Shiva. Sridevi, the Goddess of Prosperity and Bhudevi the Goddess of the Earth, two consorts of Vishnu remain close by and the god Brahma emerges on a lotus, which exudes from the navel of Vishnu. Th e symbol is supposed to be produced using 12008 Saligram. These Saligram are from the banks of the Gandaki River in Nepal, and it is accepted that they were carried with much service on elephants. The icon is secured with, Katusarkara yogam, a unique ayurvedic blend, was utilized to make a mortar which keeps the god clean. The day by day venerate is with blossoms and for the abhishekam, unique gods are utilized. The blossoms have consistently been expelled utilizing peacock quills dreading harm to the katusarkara. [citation needed] The stage before vimanam and where the god rests are both cut out of a solitary stone and consequently called Ottakkal Mandapam. So as to perform darshan and puja, one needs to hop on to the Mandapam. The divinity is noticeable through three entryways †Face of the Lord and Siva Linga underneath his turn in the primary entryway, Brahma situated on lotus exuding from the Lords navel alongside the Utsava moorthi and gods of Lord Vishnu, Sridevi and Bhudevi in the subsequent entryway and the Lords feet in the third entryway. Just the King of Travancore may perform Namaskaram, or bow prostrate on the Ottakkal Mandapam. It is customarily held that anyone who bows prostrates on the mandapam has given up such he/she has to the god. Since the ruler has just done that, he/she is allowed to bow on this mandapam. There are other significant hallowed places inside the sanctuary for Hindu gods Sri Narasimha, Sri Krishna, Sri Ayyappa, Sri Ganesha and Sri Hanuman. Numerous other little places of worship like Kshetrapalan (who watches the sanctuary), Vishwaksena and Sri Garudaâ are likewise present. The methodology street to Sree Padmanabhaswamy sanctuary - [edit]Legend There are numerous legends with respect to the cause of the sanctuary. One such legend says that Vilvamangalathu Swamiyar false name Divakara Muniâ prayed to Krishna for his darshan. Krishnaâ came in mask as a little, insidious kid. The kid gulped the Saligrama which was kept in Puja. The Sage got rankled at this and pursued the kid until the kid shrouded himself behind a tree. The tree tumbled down and became Vishnu in Anantha Shayanam (leaning back stance on Anantha the snake) †however when he did as such, he was of an uncommonly huge size. The Sage, perceiving that the tree was Vishnu, argued that due to the immense structure the master had showed before him he couldn't either have a psyche satisfying darshan or circumambulate him. He at that point requested that the Lord therapist to a littler extent †threefold the length of his staff. Promptly, the symbol shrank, and the Lord trained the savvy that he ought to be adored through three entryways. These entryways are currently the entryways in the sanctuary through which the symbol might be seen. Through the principal entryway, the love is offered to Shiva; during that time entrance to Brahma on the Lords lotus navel, and through the third is Vishnus feet, which are said to prompt salvation. [citation needed] Another story recounts aâ pulayaâ couple seeing Vishnu as a kid. The youngster took pieces of rice from the hands of the couple. Additionally it is accepted that Divakaramuni, when he saw the god, took the main food thing he saw which was an unripe Mango on a coconut shell as a contribution plate and performed essential pooja. Right up 'til the present time, the naivedyam or offering of unripe mango is offered to the divinity here in a similar coconut shell that Divakara Muni offered his prasadam to the Lord. A large number of enthusiasts accept that the Lord has actually come in camouflage

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cold Comfort Farm and Sons and Lovers Representation of Family Life Free Essays

The portrayal of family life in Cold Comfort Farm and Sons and Lovers Family life in Cold Comfort Farm ia depicted adversely for the most part all through the novel. It’s one of the principle topics in the novel and can be seen through Flora and the introduction of the ‘Starkadders’ (Flora’s far off family members). Greenery isn't near her family and says ‘If I discover I have any third cousins living at Cold Comfort called Seth, or Reuben, I will not go’. We will compose a custom exposition test on Limited consolidation Farm and Sons and Lovers Representation of Family Life or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now This shows she’s previously generalizing her own family, demonstrating that she thinks nothing about them. Stella Gibbons appears to challenge the customary family life by ousting ordinary limitations like jobs and economic wellbeing that would be set upon ladies in the public eye, similar to Flora. Verdure is a very independant ladies in the novel and doesn’t depend on men so she can carry on with her life. While Mrs Morel is absolutely dependant on her children, Paul and William. Children and Lovers was the third novel distributed by D. H. Lawrence. The tale describes the transitioning of Paul Morel, the second child of Gertrude Morel and her hard-drinking, common laborers spouse, Walter Morel, who made his living as a digger. As Mrs Morel attempts to discover importance in her life and passionate satisfaction through her bond with Paul, Paul looks to break liberated from his mom through creating associations with other ladies. In my picked section for Cold Comfort Farm (part 2) Flora continues with her arrangement, regardless of Mary’s objection. Mary goes out to take a gander at a brassiere to potentially add to her enormous assortment. In the interim, Flora keeps in touch with a single guy uncle in Scotland, an auntie in Worthing, a cousin in South Kensington, and removed family members who live on a homestead in Howling, Sussex, known as Cold Comfort Farm. She requires some investment in adapt each letter to the relatives’ characters, however as she remains unaware of the ones in Sussex, she keeps that one exceptionally direct. After three days, Flora gets answers from all the family members and takes a gander at them with Mary. They all invite her aside from there are issues that Flora can’t withstand, for example, offering a space to a cousin or parrot. The letter from the family members in Sussex is, be that as it may, captivating. Flora’s Aunt Judith Starkadder appears to be changed to all the others and would have more ‘messes to clean’. She chooses to leave for Sussex the following morning. In my picked extricate for Sons and sweethearts (part 1, pages 26-27, from ‘Good gracious’ to ‘Its a falsehood, It’s a lie’) Mr Morel has gotten back home flushed by and by and Mrs Morel has had enough of his ‘childish’ and narrow minded conduct. She goes up against him in the kitchen where she is making him and the kids food, he begins to speak loudly and turn out to be verbaly forceful. This is the first run through in the novel where we see the genuine side of Mr Morel. All through part two in Cold Comfort Farm the content is written in third-individual, in any case, the emphasis is on Flora as she is describing and furthermore appears to give her own perspectives regardless of the third-individual structure. Gibbons depicts Flora as a solid, independant ladies and we can see this by her account structure â€Å"well my brain is made up, so there is no reason in arguing†, said Flora’. This differentiations Sons and Lovers since Mrs Morel is a long way from independant, in contrast to Flora, who likes to ‘exploit’ her privileges. Children and Lovers is told for the most part from a third-individual perspective, as the storyteller approaches the musings of the characters and moves to and fro in time while recounting to the story. In the concentrate Mr and Mrs Morel are contending, ricocheting to and fro off one another, however Mr Morel is plainly the prevailing individual because of D. H. Lawrences’ utilization of language and symbolism. ‘He dropped his two hands vigorously on the table’ and ‘nasty little bitch! ’ causes Mrs Morel to feel immaterial. Toward the beginning of part two in Cold Comfort Farm Flora presents family life as bogus and cold as she intends to keep in touch with her family members, changing her style of writing to suit every individual character. Before continuing to keep in touch with her family members she uncovers her ‘dislike’ for her ‘fellow beings’. The tone accomplished by utilizing this narcissistic attitued and gruff declaritives shows that she is resolved to get what she needs. In the Sons and Lovers extricate there are a ton of exclamitory sentences like ‘Good thoughtful, she cried, getting back home in this smashed wreckage! furthermore, ‘Say you’re NOT alcoholic! ’. these statements show genuine feeling and they likewise show that Mrs Morel has had enough of Mr Morels activities. In time, Mr Morels activities hurt his better half and his kids untill they ‘despise’ him. These are not ordinary emotions a child ought to have towards t heir dad. Distinctive lexical sets have been utilized to show Floras genuine good ways from her family members. ‘messy’, ‘revolting’, ‘grief’ all give a sence of an infection, stale life that nobody would need to join, yet Flora needs to for the ‘expirience’, all things considered, Gives an inclination that family is awful, and must be halted. She is utilizing her family members cordiality to get great composing material for when she’s ‘fifty-three’. Verdure is disturbed at the idea of speaking with her ‘fellow-beings’ despite the fact that this compound thing isn't legitimately alluding to her relatives, it appears that Flora respects them in such an unoriginal way. This indifferent tone is fortified by saying ‘these people’ and ‘revolting’ clarifying that she doesn’t need to speak with her family members, again indicating how independant she is. The Sons and Lovers remove has a lexical arrangement of destressed and harmful words. ‘cried’, ‘nasty little bitch’, ‘thrust’, ‘shut your face’. These arrangement of words make a sentiment of hatrid. Mrs Morel says ‘you don’t get as dunk as a master on nothing’. Indeed, even in a contention where Mr Morel is obviously off base, she despite everything thinks about him to something extraordinary. ‘His cap over his eyes’, its as though he’s concealing the genuine him, he doesn’t need to be this way yet the liquor in his body is overwhelming him, practically like the strength of Flora in Cold Comfort Farm. Step by step instructions to refer to Cold Comfort Farm and Sons and Lovers Representation of Family Life, Essays

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Laffite, Jean

Laffite, Jean Laffite, Jean zhäN läfet ´ [key], c.1780â€"1826?, leader of a band of privateers and smugglers. The name is often spelled Lafitte. He and his men began operating (1810) off the Baratarian coast S of New Orleans and, after 1817, from the island site of the present city of Galveston, Tex. His ships, commissioned by several of the Latin American nations in revolt against Spain, preyed on Spanish commerce. The booty (including slaves) was brought from Barataria Bay through bayous to New Orleans, where it was disposed of chiefly through the agency of Pierre Laffite, his half-brother. In Sept., 1814, a U.S. naval force raided their establishment at Barataria and their ships. Laffite, a few days before, had refused a British offer of money and land and a commission in the royal navy as an inducement to aid the British in their attempt on New Orleans. Instead Laffite turned his information over to the Americans and offered his services to them in return for the pardon of his men. Gen. And rew Jackson accepted their help, and many of the Baratarians participated with credit in the battle of New Orleans and were subsequently pardoned by President Madison. Laffite returned to his old life, moving his base of operations to the disputed Texas area, where he gathered about him almost a thousand followers. He was unmolested until several members of his colony attacked (1820) American property, whereupon the U.S. government again dispatched a naval force against him. Laffite with his closest followers departed (1821) peaceably. His final end is not certainly known; fragmentary evidence suggests that he died in Mexico in 1826. In his lifetime he was regarded as a romantic figure, and after his death legend heightened his fame. See biographies by J. H. Ingraham (1836, repr. 1970), L. Saxon (1930), and M. V. Charnley (1934); W. C. Davis, The Pirates Laffite (2005). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights res erved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies

Friday, May 22, 2020

How to Make a Volcano Using Pop Rocks

The classic homemade chemical volcano relies on a reaction between baking soda and vinegar to produce an eruption of foamy lava, but you can make a volcano even if you dont have these ingredients. One easy way is to use Pop Rocks candy and carbonated soda. The reaction between these two ingredients gave rise to the false notion that drinking cola and eating Pop Rocks would cause your stomach to explode. Its true the two ingredients combine to produce a lot of gas, but if you eat them, you burp out the bubbles. In a homemade volcano, you can make a cool eruption. Heres what you do: Pop Rocks Volcano Materials 20-oz bottle of any soda or other carbonate beveragepacket of Pop Rocks candy (red or orange colored flavors look most like lava)model volcano If you dont have a model volcano, you can use homemade dough to form the shape of a volcano around the unopened soda bottle. If you like, paint or decorate the dough so it looks like a volcano. How To Make the Volcano Erupt The eruption can be messy, much like the Mentos and soda reaction, so its a good idea to set up your volcano outdoors, on a kitchen counter, or in a bathtub. Otherwise, place a plastic tablecloth around the volcano to make clean-up easier.Dont open the soda until you are ready for the eruption. When its time, carefully uncap the bottle. Disturb it as little as possible, to help prevent gas from escaping.Pour in the Pop Rocks candies. One way to get all the candy into the volcano at once is to roll up a sheet of paper into a tube. Put your finger on the end of the tube to close it off and pour in the Pop Rocks. Release the candies over the mouth of the bottle. Move away quickly or youll get sprayed with lava! How the Volcano Works Pop Rocks contain pressurized carbon dioxide gas that is trapped inside a candy coating. When you eat them, your saliva dissolves the sugar, releasing the gas. The sudden release of pressure makes the popping and cracking sound  since ​the  pressure of the gas breaks out of the candy once it gets thin enough. The volcano works much the same way, except its the soda that dissolves the candy shell to release the gas. The eruption is made more forceful by the sudden release of carbon dioxide in the soda. The bits of candy provide surface area for the dissolve carbon dioxide in the soda to collect and form bubbles, which push their way out of the narrow mouth of the bottle. Things To Try If you want lava that overflows the volcano, try adding a squirt of dishwashing soda to the soda before you add the Pop Rocks. For more colorful lava, add a few drops of red or orange food coloring to the soda or else use a red-colored soda, like Big Red, or a brown soda, like Dr. Pepper or any brand of root beer. Some energy drinks are also lava-colored. At that matters is that the drink is carbonated.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

My Mom Shehnaz Soni Is An Everyday Hero - 946 Words

People normally characterize heroes as someone with supernatural abilities like superman, but a hero can be anyone. A hero can be an average person doing something good like picking up someone’s wallet when you have dropped it. Another example would be someone who fights crime and fights fire. These everyday unsung heroes generally do these things because they have good intentions, even if it is for little reward or fame. I have a close family member who bears the qualities needed to be an everyday unsung hero. My Mom Shehnaz Soni is an everyday, unsung hero because she has given me and my younger brothers love and care for our basic needs and she has also persevered in overcoming two divorces. Shehnaz Soni is petite and beautiful; she is about 5 feet and 3 inches and has a smile that offers love and compassion. She is the light at the end of the tunnel and offers kindness and helps her family and friends. She comes from a middle-class family from Karachi, Pakistan; her parents maintained the family because her dad was a photographer and loved taking pictures, and he also managed shops. Although both parents were raised in Karachi, her dad was born in India before the independence from Pakistan. He eventually moved to Karachi after the independence. When he was older he eventually met my grandmother and had an arranged marriage. Together they had three children whom they raised. Today, my grandparents are still living in Karachi with my uncle who takes care of them. Their

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Assignment The New World Order Free Essays

Abstract There is a global economic phenomenon currently occurring in which the major banking families have gained a monopoly over the world’s economies. This phenomenon has raised suspicions which has led to the conspiracy theory of ‘The New World Order’. This conspiracy theory focuses on the questionable climb to power that the major banking families have achieved over centuries and the esoteric strategies that each generation has worked in line with to ultimately gain world domination through creating a global mono-nation. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment: The New World Order or any similar topic only for you Order Now Contents Page Official strory The theory chosen and why The elites rise to power How they have stayed in that position and possible threats How they plan to carry out the rest of the plan The significance of the new world order to new zealanders Bibliography Extra information Official story There is a global economic phenomenon currently reoccurring in which the major banking and/or Corporate Empire families have gained a monopoly over the world’s economies. These major banking families, also known as the global elite, consist of the Morgan’s, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Warburg’s of Hamburg, Kuhn Loeb’s of New York, the Goldman Sachs, the Lazard’s of Paris, and the Rothschilds of Paris and London (said to be the most influential). These families own almost all, if not all, the central banks around the world. They also control the large oil and energy empires. When a country’s economy falls, or goes into a recession, these Banks and Empires are the ones who still earn immense profits and make the effort to buy the competition out. They are known to fund candidates for presidential and priministerial elections, and also participate in exclusive meetings involving the highest of society. This amount of power that the global elite have gained has raised suspicions, and with the extensive evidence collected it supports the conclusions that have been drawn. The conspiracy theory â€Å"A New World Order† has emerged explaining why this phenomenon is occurring. This theory involves the global elite participating in an esoteric plan to take control of the world’s monetary system, and energy sources, and reduce the world population by 80%. This means they will effectively gain complete domination over the world through creating a mono-nation. There are different versions to this one conspiracy theory where aspects like religion are emphasized and the plan is to rid the world of religion. There is aslo a common conspiracy theory where globalization is used to gain world domination, instead of the creation of a mono-nation. The creation of a mono-nation seems to correspond with the evidence collected, a lot more logically than globalization, and I have found that even though religion is slowly becoming a thing of the past, it is still strong in many cases and will not get pushed to the side too soon. So I have concluded that the conspiracy theory that most closely corresponds with the evidence found is that the global elite are planning to take over the world’s monetary system, and energy sources following an esoteric strategy that will lead to world domination through the creation of a mono-nation. The position of the global elite is explained using the pyramid structure add pic We ordinary humans, the tax payers, are at the bottom of this triangle being exploited, along with the environment around us. We carry out our daily lives putting up with what is occurring around us. We every day, common joes follow the laws that are put in place by the government which is funded by our taxes. This places the government above us. If the government needs money it turns to the central banks. Because of the shear size and power of some corporations, some being larger then some national economies and also due to the fact that corporations fund the political campaigns and influence the decided successor through lobbying, the government can only sit above human/normal people with corporatocracy sitting just above. These powerful corporations include Bechtel, Exxon Mobil owned by the Rockefellers, GE (General Electric), Monsanto owned by Pfizer, News Corporation owned by Rupert Murdoch, Pfizer owned by share holders which include Citigroup (the Rothschild’s) and Deusche Bank (the Warburg’s). Above corporatocracy is the Big Banks including Citibank’s (Rothchilds), Chase (Morgan’s), Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and HSBC ( Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation). These banks fund the corporations by offering loans at special rates. This allows the coporations to complete their goals. Further above the Big Banks are the National Central Banks, such as the Federal Reserve which is controlled by a mix of the elite, and the Bank of England which is known to be controlled by the Rothschilds. Almost all countries have a Central Bank (funded by the Rothschilds) which commercial banks are members of. These Central Banks control the amount of money is in circulation and also set interest rates. They are above the four lower levels because they loan money out to governments at interest. These National Central Banks rely on the International Central Banks, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank to make more money while exploiting the countries they lend to. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is right at the top of the pyramid because it holds a significant amount of control over the global financial system by setting the amount of money banks around the world need to have. BIS is controlled by the elite and holds around 10% of the monetary reserves from at least 80 of the world’s central banks. BIS serves as the lender for the last resort to stop a global financial collapse . The start of the elite monopoly game is known to have begun at Mayer Amschel Bauer of house of Rothschild. How the elite came to power†¦.. The evidence collected centralized around the Rothschilds, Morgans and Rockefellers. A little focused on some of the others but didn’t cover the history of all the families so the conspiracy theory is concentrated around the Morgans, Rockerfellers, and the Rothschilds. Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws. † – Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild Mayer Amschel Bauer (son of Moses Amschel Bauer, who was a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house) was born 1743 in Frankfurt, Germany. After the death of his father, his name becomes Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He cre ated the Illuminati in 1776 with Adam Weishaupt, for the soul purpose to divide all non-Jews through all aspects including political, economical, and social. Incidents were to be provided to complete these plans. This first incident would be the French Revolution. The first attempt at this halted to a stop when the instructions to start the revolutions fell into Bavarian authorities’ hands. To complete their first goal the Illuminati went to Britain, who ignored the Bavarian government’s warning about the illuminati and their plan. so in 1789-1793 the French Revolution took place. The revolution allowed the bankers to make more money as the Roman Church had less control over taxes. With the success in Europe the Rothschilds went to America to move forward. With the help of their agent in George Washington’s cabinet (Alexander Hamilton) they created America’s first central bank in 1791. The First Bank of the United States was established with a 20 year charter. The charter then runs out in 1811 and when congress votes against its renewal the Rothschilds become angry and start to work towards another US central bank. The French bank de Rothschild Freres is set up in 1812. During 1815, the Rothschilds gain control of the British economy when a new Bank of England was set up and controlled by the Rothschilds after Napoleon was defeated. By the end of the 1800s it was estimated that the Rothschilds owned half of the world’s wealth. This period of time is known as the â€Å"Age of the Rothschilds†. In 1814 the Rothchilds and the Warburgs were tied together, and that same year the first attempt at a one world government failed when the Tsar Alexander 1 of Russia refused to have a Rothschild owned central bank during the Congress of Vienna. Nathan Mayer Rothschild was enraged and swore he would kill the Tsar Alexander I’s entire family and descendants. The Rothschilds gain control of Americas money again through one of their central banks in 1816. This control spiralled downhill when President Andrew Jackson started to remove money from the Rothschild’s second Bank of the United States placing the deposits into banks directed by Democrats. The panicked Rothschilds constrict the money supply through BUS President, Nicholas Biddle (agent for the Paris-based Jacob Rothschild), and America is thrown into a depression. Enlightened President Jackson states, â€Å"You are a den of thieves and vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out. † There were two failed attempts to assassinate President Jackson. One assassin later bragged that the powerful people promised him that if he got caught he would be protected. That assassin was trialled and found not guilty by way of insanity. Before President Jackson died in 1845 he noted his greatest achievement, â€Å"I killed the bank†. Under Jackson’s rule the US debt went to $0. 00 for the first, and last time. Even though the Rothschilds were unable to directly influence the USA, they were able to influence the USA through the House of Morgan, from 1838, who presided over the American finances from Wall Street and Broad. They were also able to use the Rockefellers who, in 1863, started to from the business Standard Oil. In 1873 Albert Pike, an American General, who was enticed into the illuminati, completes the blue prints for the world wars and revolutions. The differences between the British and the Germans was to be the spark to start the First World War, during which the promise made to the eliminate the Tsars was to be carried out. The Tsar was to be replaced with Communism. World War Two was to ferment controversy between Facism and political Zionism, bring hatred against Germany, and increase the power of Communism. The Third World War was to stir up hatred of the Muslims to get the Islamic world and the Zionists to fight against one another, all while remaining nations become exhausted after being forced to fight against one another. The Rothschilds’ luck continued to go bad with US Presidents when Abraham Lincoln, seeing what the banks were doing, started to print his own money. This did not allign with the Rothschild’s plan and Lincoln was assassinated. In the 1893 recession, the House of Morgan saved the US Government using Rothschild gold. Author Gabriel Kolko stated, â€Å"Morgan’s activities in 1895-1896 in selling US gold bonds in Europe were based on an alliance with the House of Rothschild. † In 1897 the Zionist movement is founded by the Rothschilds who elect Theodos Herzl as the President of the Zionist movement. in 1909 Jacob Schiff founds the National Advancement for the Association of the Coloured People (NAACP). This society was crreated to promote a greater split between whites and blacks. In 1913 the Rothschild get their final Central Bank for America called the Federal Reserve. During World War One, the Morgans fund half of the US war effort. The Rothschilds fund both sides of the war effort. While the Germans were winning the war, their government offers Britain an armictice but the Rothschilds, being one step ahead, sent one of their people to tell the British that they will enter on Britain’s side if Britain agrees to give Palestine to the Rothchilds. The Balfour Declaration is sent. America enters the war. The Allies win and all the while the promise made to the Tsar is kept and the Tsars are destroyed. During thhis time the Bolsheviks gain conttrol over Russia. The Council of Foreign Relations is founded by Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edward Mandell House, under the orders of Jacob Schiff. The CFR’s first job was to gain control of the press. John D. Rockefeller was given the task and set up national news agencies such as Life and Time. Bank of International Settlements, the BIS, the first Rothschild world bank, is established in 1930. Rothchilds fund German war efforts and that of the Allies during World War Two. The IMF and the World Bank are established in 1944. In the spring of 1948, US President Truman recognised Israel as a sovreign state after being bribed by the Rothschilds duing his campaign. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy is assasinated after trying to give the US government control over it’s currency without it passing through the Federal Reserve. By 1985 the Rothschilds are known to control all three leading US television news networks , NBC, CBS, and ABC. In 2001, the September 9/11 attacks, (another conspiracy theory linked to the Rothschilds), are said to have been caused so populations will give up their liberty for a sense of security. Afganistan is one of the 7 countries at that time not to have a Rothschild owned Central Bank. The US attack Afganistan. When America invaded Iraq, Iraq was only one out of 6 countries that didn’t have a Rothschild owned Central Bank, and also had an extensive water supply that Israel needed. In 2006 the French Rothchilds are the first foriegn banking family that gained China’s approval to enter their financial market. Just last year there were reports that there were only 3 countries without Rothschild owned Central Banks: North Korea, Cuba and Iran. The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U. S. since the days of Andrew Jackson. † – U. S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a letter written Nov. 21, 1933 to Colonel E. Mandell House These families have worked their way up the social and financial ladder using murder, intimidation and bribery. Using these same methods th ey have gained control over the world’s monetary system. They have power over the non-renewable, natural energy sources, such as oil and gas. There is also evidence to suggest they are sabotaging developmental, renewable energy sources and they are still trying to suppress free energy. â€Å"This information coming out would completely change geo-political power more than anything in human history. † – Steven Greer, Disclosure and Orion Projects The conspiracy theory focuses mainly on the Rothschilds, but as most of these families are joined together through marrige, and deals, they are consequently all a part of these vile acts. The murder of 3 of the most well known US Presidents were at the hands of these global elite, Jackson, Lincoln, and JF Kennedy. They are skilled in bribery and manipulation, for example US President Truman was extremely influenced by these families at the time they set up the Federal Reserve, showing that no person, no matter what their position, or country wants to go up against such powerful families. These aspects have allowed them to dominate our world’s monetary system and the unrewable souces of energy such as oil (Rockefellers Standard Oil), nuclear and most electricity companies. Free energy relates to an energy that is clean, will always be able to be used and, most of all will be free to everyone. The implications are in plain sight. If everyone had free energy there would be no need for oil, or any of those other companies that have been exploiting us and our environment. There are many examples of these free energy machines that have been tested successfully but never see the light, as the scientists are suppressed. One of these examples is Haskell Karl, a free energy inventor who claimed that he had made a machine that worked and producded energy with only the use of air, called the AATE. In the early 1960s he took it to Wyle Testing Laboratory to be trialled. They could not understand how it worked and so asked if he could leave it with them over night. Haskell refused and took his machine home. He and his associate were to meet with President JF Kennedy to demonstrate the machine but before the meeting, Haskell’s associates and the machine went missing. There was also a supposed deal with China which failed to go ahead when the main individual died of a mysterious heart attack. Scard Haskell went into hiding. Another well known scientist and inventor was Nikola Tesla who, financially supported by J. P Morgan, created the Wardwnclyffe Laboratory and its transmitting tower between 1901and 1905. The transmitter was, along with being the first radio transmitter, capable of transmitting power without wires to any point on the globe. This presented Morgan and the rest of the global elite with a problem. Morgan’s famous comment about this was â€Å"If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter? â€Å". The incomplete tower was demolished for war time security mesures in 1917. History and present day accounts are littered with these supressed inventions and inventors. It has gotten to the point where scientists are too scared to speak up. There are cases where inventors have been murdered or thrown into jail because they have threatened these powerful families with the creation of free energy, which could lead to their possible fall from power. I can only come to the thought that this conspiracy theory involves the creation of a mono-nation (one state, one set of rules, one government and no laws for the elite) rather than globalization (independent sovreign countries with trading between) through how they have already acted in the past. I have also found some of the ways the global elite are already starting to impliment this plan for a one world government with the reation of free trade agreements which join countries together. This also means that small companies will miss out on the pay that they may have recieved if the big companies had to pay taxes. With the control of the media the global elite are able to fix into our minds what is normal and what is not. There used to be 88 media companies in America. Now th ere are 6 media companies that exist today. All 6 of these get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP, and the Rothschilds own Reuters. Effectively they have created the largest army possible. We get fed the information through the media without asking many questions, then when someone who does not agree with a certain thing speaks up they are pushed to the side. The global elite also have another agenda in their plan to create their mono-nation. In order to gain more power they have a goal of decreasing the global population by up to 80%. This would mean there are less people to exert their influence and control over. This would make it easier for them to remain in power, as there would be less people who might question their motives. There are a few areas where this population control agenda have arisen. The growing potency of GMO foods has been directly related to the lowering sperm counts in males globally. Women around the world have been sterillized without their permission. These are the few examples of how the global elite are slowly lowering the world population. Also around America ‘camps’ have been erected to ‘fix the situation’ of overpopulation. New Zealand is a part of the global elites’ plan as well. Our history also contains an extensive amount of evidence that we are a part of the New World Order going right back to 1967. In this year a texas oil billionaire, Nelson Bunker Hunt, finds a huge oil source south of New Zealand. That same year Placid Oil is granted drilling rights in the Great South Baisin after Finance Minister, Rob Muldoon, recieves $US100,000 loan from Hunt’s Placid Oil Co. In 1969 Onassis Oil calls for a council meeting to discuss a plan to monopolize the Great South Basin in Washington DC. The council members include John McCloy, Nelson Rockefeller, and David Rockefeller. A plan to control all New Zealand and Australian oil and mineral resources are outlined by McCloy. 1970 Onassis Oil start setting in place their plan by creating the AIFC (Australian International Finance Corporation) using ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Bank). ANZ is also a Rothschild owned bank. Also in 1970, Japanese business men (with strong connections to the global elite) move to New Zealand and with the help of Finance Minister Muldoon and others Mitsubishi and Mitsu buy rights to iron sands. Muldoon also helps Mitsu obtain the 320million cubic foot Kiangaroa Foresty contract with Carter Holt. By buying New Zealand’s largest travel company, Atlantic and Pacific Travel, the Fletchers help extend the Rockefeller Travellodge operation. In 1971, Muldoon changes the law to allow Mafia-controlled banks to opperate in New Zealand when Onassis and Rockerfeller began to buy influence for this New World Order. Connections are also made between Renouf in New Zealand United Corp and global elite. In 1972 Bob Seldon an associate of Gulf Oil helps to establish New Zealand’s first international banks which include N. Z. I, Bank of New Zealand, Morgan Guarranty Trust, Morgan Grenfel and S. F. Warburg. This same year Norman Kirk is elected Priminister of New Zealand. n 1974 Norman Kirk, along with Gough Whitlam, begin to move against the Mafia Trilateralists which opposes the global elites’ plans. Kirk introduced and applied a tough Anti-monopoly Bill and also, using price regulation and a wages policy, tried to redistribute income from the big companies to the labour force. Kirk also rejected the plan for Dunedin to have a second Aulminum smelter, setting himself up to gain more control over New Zealand oil resour ces through the Petroleum Amendment Bill. Kirk had also found out about the large resource of oil Hunt Petrolium had found while drilling in the Great South Basin. There was enough oil and gas resources that New Zealand would be eble to become self sufficient for years. These facts were kept quiet by the big companies to prevent the oil prices lowering, as this would not go with the plans of OPEC and Onassis for the Arabs to be achieved. During 1975 the elections are held with Rowling verses Muldoon. Muldoon wins after oil companies pour money in to support Muldoon’s campaign through the National Bank of New Zealand (who’s general manager is a member of the Todd Foundations; Investment Board Director Tudhope also Managing Director of Shell Oil and Chairman Shell/BP/Todd foundations). In 1977 Muldoon travels to the US to meet with Rockefeller officials not the US Government. Petrolcorp is set up by Muldoon in 1978. Taxpayers pay for exploration costs while the big oil companies control the outlets. Muldoon also plans to to re-open National Parks for the exploitation of our minerals. 1981 New Zealand Oil Gas (NZOG), with strategic holdings by Jones, Renouf and Brierley launches. Through the Pike River Coal Company NZOG controlled 80 million tonnes of coal. Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Hawkes Bay Gas is owned by Brierley. Shell/BP/Todd Foundations and Fletcher Challenge control Liquigas Limited. New Zealand was the first countary to install EFPOS (owned by the Rothschilds ANZ and Bank of New Zealand). Cash is rarely used as EFTPOS and the newer internet banking system has become more popular. The Rothschilds also own our National Rugby League, owned Ansett New Zealand airlines, and own the New Zealand Reserve Bank. Our current Priminister, John Key, used to work for Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, and apparently one time when he got drunk, before he became priminister, he said that he was chosen to be the next New Zealand Priminister. Goldman Sachs have control over half of our media. In June, John Key signed an agreement with NATO (controlled and founded by the global elite). It also seems that our natural resources have come in to play again. Since John Key has been in power it was New Zealand’s protestors that saved our National Parks being gutted out to find minerals. John Key’s Speech to the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 26 May 2009: â€Å"The move toward a single economic market is an attempt to really integrate the investment protocols and also ultimately the behind the border issues that ultimately both countries face† An Asia-Pacific Union† â€Å"The medium term challenge for both countries is actually to be fully integrated into Asia† â€Å"Quite what the future opportunities will look like is not yet clear. But compared with 75 years ago the international landscape is vastly different, and in many ways more conducive to achieving the global solution the OECD Secretary-General called for. â€Å"We are engaged in an FTA negotiation with Korea. And, of course, we have just signed an FTA with the ten ASEAN nations, which potentially connects New Zealand to the embryonic single market in East Asia (CEPEA). New Zealand must be part of a web of bilateral and plurilateral trade links that are being est ablished throughout the Asia-Pacific region. † â€Å"We need to be plugged into the security arrangements that govern peace and stability in the region. These are multilateral arrangements, but our bilateral security relationships in the region are also important. New Zealand has a strong interest in robust US engagement in the region. † â€Å"The Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) is the plurilateral framework that will underpin the future development of trade across the region. This agreement envisages a free trade agreement between Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island countries. † â€Å"When we met in March, Kevin Rudd and I set out an ambitious agenda of initiatives. To build prosperity, we want to break down barriers at the borders, whether for investment, tourism, or for people flows. We want to erode barriers behind the borders, by exploring further harmonisation on climate change, science and innovation and domestic regulation where that makes sense. And we want to tackle barriers to prosperity beyond our borders, by promoting open markets and healthy capital flows around the world. When I go to Australia again in August, Kevin Rudd and I will review progress on those initiatives, and set new goals towards creating a truly single, economic market. The importance of that in raising New Zealand’s performance and productivity cannot be understated. â€Å" How to cite Assignment: The New World Order, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Rockwood Conservation Area Youth Education Program Essay Example

Rockwood Conservation Area Youth Education Program Essay Rockwood Conservation Area Youth Education Program Introduction Take a Hike – Outdoor education is a multidisciplinary team consisting of 6 students from the University of Waterloo. Our goal is to develop and implement outdoor education programs promoting a comprehensive, flexible, and environmentally focused outdoor education program for the Ontario School Board. Purpose of Research The current education system focuses on learning within the confines of a classroom through the use of textbooks and worksheets designed to create a structured learning experience for students. Information obtained from textbooks allows students to comprehend and later regurgitate the material presented; nonetheless, interaction with the natural environment would strengthen knowledge through practical learning and hands-on experience. For that reason, the Rockwood Conservation Area would provide exceptional opportunities for meaningful learning. The purpose of this study is to develop an outdoor education program that employs the environment of the Rockwood Conservation Area. This program would be beneficial to the education of middle-school students as it would enhance their knowledge pertaining to nature, science and geography through active learning, which coincides perfectly with the Ontario School Board Curriculum. The program will be designed to hold neutral ideologies, and therefore, would be applicable to any curriculum (Public, Catholic and additional school boards). Related research on the subject has been compiled and reviewed, and is described in greater detail under the heading â€Å"Literature Review. † Site Information We will write a custom essay sample on Rockwood Conservation Area Youth Education Program specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rockwood Conservation Area Youth Education Program specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rockwood Conservation Area Youth Education Program specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Rockwood Conservation Area is one of many parks within the Grand River Conservation Authority’s watershed. This 79-hectare property was acquired in 1958, and opened its gates to visitors in 1961 (Chapman 1984). A portion of this property was later sold to the University of Waterloo in 1972 (McKenzie 2011). The Rockwood Conservation Area is located east of Guelph on the outskirts of the village named Rockwood, residing by the Eramosa River (Chapman 1984). Its location is accessible to countless schools in Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Hamilton, and the Greater Toronto Area. The conservation area possesses unique geological features, such as potholes created by the runoff of the Wisconsin glacier several thousand years ago, which includes the creation of the world’s largest pothole, the Devil’s Well (Morgan 2002). Morgan (2002) mentions that other features such as caves, wetlands, gorges, limestone cliffs, forests, trails, lakes and rivers can be found within the Rockwood area. Furthermore, camping, fishing, hiking, canoeing, and mini-golf are a few of the many recreational activities currently offered at the conservation area (Rockwood Conservation Area 2011). Literature Review Four main concepts were uncovered from the literature that was analyzed in relation to the implementation of an outdoor educational program. A deeper understanding of these four key concepts will help develop a more appropriate, as well as an all-encompassing program that would achieve its goal in all fullness. These concepts include curriculum, teaching techniques, benefits of outdoor learning, and conservation. The following paragraphs will specify relevant information pertaining to the proposed outdoor education program. Curriculum All school boards within the province of Ontario share the same curriculum. Under the Ontario School Board Curriculum, grade seven and eight students cover a wide range of topics that would be applicable to the development of learning activities for the proposed outdoor education program. The requirements of geography entails that grade seven and eight students learn about the environment, environmental issues, physical and human geography, and fundamentals pertaining to mapping. Regarding the requirements of science, grade seven and eight students learn about the impacts of pollution, water systems, the use of human technology and the use of fluids in technology and industry (Ministry of Education 2004). Teaching Techniques Through a thorough examination of journal articles, significant and positive teaching techniques were outlined. These methods can be utilized to enhance the learning and the overall outdoor experience for students. One study prepared by Vivian Shulman (2005), illustrated how teacher participation in planning workshops would lead to the development of discovery-oriented activities intended for student learning. This study was conducted in New York City, focusing exclusively on middle schools. Its purpose was to establish the impact regarding planning workshops on student academics. Thus, the study concluded that teacher involvement in planning programs would undeniably lead to a larger number of students meeting curriculum standards (Shulman 2005). An additional study presented by Terry Shaw and Terence Mills (1981), examined the association between outdoor education and student motivation in relation to learning. The results revealed that students preferred hands-on instruction and active learning in comparison to learning within a classroom. Additionally, student-teacher relations improved after such an experience (Shaw and Mills 1981). Simon Beames and Hamish Ross (2010) conducted their research in the Edinburgh area in England, which focused on the importance of student preparation prior to exploring school grounds, as this would reinforce knowledge pertaining to human and ecological influences on the environment. The findings revealed that students acquired the ability to construct their own learning plan appropriate to the demands of the curriculum (Beames and Ross 2010). Ina Stan’s (2009) study assessed the importance of facilitators and teachers that accompany school field trips. The area of study where the research was conducted was in a rural area of the English countryside. Stan (2009) concluded that facilitator presence and interaction with students would irrefutably contribute to a positive and successful outdoor experience. Furthermore, the experience appears to be most positive when the facilitator is directly engaged with the visiting group of students by means of social interaction, and thus, both will share in the learning experience (Stan 2009). Benefits of Outdoor Learning The vast majority of studies analyzed described the positive characteristics associated with outdoor learning. Peter Gibson’s (1979) article discussed the therapeutic benefits associated with outdoor activities. Gibson’s (1979) findings demonstrated that outdoor activities enabled participants to develop superior communication skills along with methods of handling conflict with others. Accordingly, these activities improved relationships amongst participants, while providing a more relaxed and non-restrictive learning environment (Gibson 1979). Chris Taylor, Sally Power and Gareth Rees (2010) performed their research in the United Kingdom, and based on their findings they declared that student participation in outdoor learning activities had essentially enhanced cognitive skills, personal development and improved social interaction capacities. A study performed in Melbourne, Australia by Cecily Jane Maller (2009), examined the correlation between the overall well-being of children in conjunction with hands-on contact with nature. The final results indicated that such activities had a positive impact on the emotional, social, and mental well being of children (Maller 2009). Richard Louv, author of the book entitled Last Child in the Woods, discussed the implications linked to the â€Å"Nature Deficit Disorder,† which was the focal point of the article presented by Kathleen Kennedy Manzo (2008). Louv declared that childhood obesity, depression, and the prevalence of attention disorders would amplify as a result of inadequate outdoor experiences. The necessity of nature-based learning is not limited to matters of health, as outdoor education can provide assistance in regards to student academics, social interaction, self-confidence, and will inevitably create an eagerness to learn and explore (Manzo 2008). Conservation The notion of conservation is quite significant especially when developing outdoor learning programs. The articles reviewed below portray student views in relation to conservation methods, and how their beliefs and attitudes have been altered after partaking in an outdoor education program. The study carried out by John Crompton and Christine Sellar (1981), utilized a sample group of third, fourth and sixth grade classes in Texas to show how outdoor learning can be used to influence children’s thoughts pertaining to conservation. The study concluded that outdoor education increased environmental awareness and sensitivity amongst students, and as a result, these newfound attitudes became a part of their beliefs (Crompton and Sellar 1981). Throughout Pavol Prokop’s (2007) article, he observed the short-term effects field programs had on student knowledge and their attitudes toward the environment. Prokop (2007) conducted his research in Slovakia, and he decided to narrow his study to rural schools, gathering student responses of those in grade six. The results show that student involvement in outdoor field activities had actually strengthened their knowledge of classroom material, and students became more appreciative of biological and ecological matters (Prokop 2007). Jeffery Marion and Scott Reid’s (2007) study centered on the use of low impact educational programs. These programs support a type of interaction with nature that leaves it completely undisturbed. Marion and Reid (2007) concluded that low impact education programs were successful in shifting participants’ attitudes in matters of conservation. As a result, participants were found likely to partake in conservation acts including reducing damage to the environment by means of disposing of garbage appropriately and following park regulations (Marion and Reid 2007). Methods Derived from Literature Review All the studies mentioned above obtained their data through participation and observation, and through the use of questionnaires, as well as focus groups. However, these methods have no implication on the outdoor education program that will be developed. The methodology that will be utilized for this study includes an analysis and observation of terrain and environmental characteristics. Therefore, the proposed study will not consist of data collection or participant input. The articles above were solely used to demonstrate the positive attributes in regards to the necessity of outdoor education programs. Therefore, their methodologies will not be discussed in greater detail. Goals and Objectives The goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive, flexible, and environmentally focused outdoor education program geared towards middle-school students, particularly those in grades seven and eight. This program will foster teamwork, creativity, and an appreciation for the environment, creating a positive experience gained through practical learning. Four objectives are required to achieve this goal. The first objective is to develop potential program activities that could be employed for the outdoor education program. The second objective is to analyze the conservation area for key locations that can be utilized for the program activities. The third objective would include the connection of these key location-based attributes to the designated activities, and relating this to the Ontario School Board Curriculum requirements. The fourth and last objective includes the construction of a flexible program that flows from activity to activity, covering a wide range of topics that coincides perfectly with the Ontario curriculum. Methodology The existing educational programs offered at Rockwood Conservation Area are sufficient for all ages; nonetheless, the research for this proposal will focus on improving the diversity of programs designated for middle-school students. Exploring background information pertaining to the Rockwood Conservation Area is crucial prior to fieldwork, as this will provide insight regarding past and present conditions, including geologic formations. Furthermore, through the use of topographic maps and aerial photographs, additional knowledge concerning the physical attributes of the area can be obtained. The significance of carrying out these methods is for decision-making purposes regarding where proposed educational activities will be positioned along the trail. Several literature reviews were conducted concerning the feasibility of outdoor learning as a core component of the Ontario school curriculum. Corresponding research topics included: learning benefits of outdoor education for both teachers and students, teaching techniques associated with mapping skills, and environmental awareness. The outdoor learning program currently offered at Rockwood Conservation Area was reviewed and taken into consideration for the implementation of proposed educational activities that would concur with any school curriculum. Prior to fieldwork, it is essential to determine the criteria required to construct an exceptional educational experience for students. Examples of such criterion includes the length of walking involved, the necessity of definite stops for discussion exercises, as well as enforcing students to remain on the designated path due to conservation issues and safety concerns. Lastly, the materials required such as maps of the area, a compass, and weather-appropriate gear, must be obtained prior to field research. Materials  · Compass  · Aerial photographs of Rockwood  · Map of the Rockwood Conservation Area  · Pens, pencils, notepad  · Mobile communication devices  · Digital Camera  · First aid kit  · Stopwatch  · Raincoats and boots Flexible Timeline January 7, 2011 (Friday) First class meeting: assemble a research group and decide upon a topic for the proposed research project. January 14, 2011 (Friday) Second class meeting: research was conducted in relation to background and site information of the Rockwood Conservation Area, as well as educational programs currently offered. The topic was narrowed down, and tasks were allocated to all group members. January 19, 2011 (Wednesday) First group meeting held at the Dana Porter Library, where each group member presented the literature they obtained over the past week, and explained its relevance to the proposed project. The project goal and objectives were discussed during this meeting. January 21, 2011 (Friday) Third class meeting: methodology, budget and timeline were considered. Each group member was given a section of the pre-field proposal report to be completed by January 26, 2011. January 26, 2011 (Wednesday) Second group consultation at the Davis Centre Library: integration of all components required for the final pre-field proposal. A team name was deliberated and decided upon. Group members were required to revise and format the field proposal on their own time. January 28, 2011 (Friday) Class meeting: submit a hard copy of the pre-field proposal. Discuss and finalize schedule for field visits. February 4, 2011 (Friday) Class meeting: amend the proposal and enhance project plan. Each group member will be responsible for bringing their own ideas regarding potential education programs to the class meeting. As well, the team must consider how the educational activities will be carried out. February 11, 2011 (Friday) Preparation for fieldwork: arranging rides, buying materials, considering safety precautions, and so forth. It is important to become familiar with the Rockwood Conservation Area through the use of maps. March 4, 2011 (Friday) First field visit to the Rockwood Conservation Area (by ourselves): take notes of the vicinity, and perform and strengthen activities. Take pictures to use in the final report. March 11, 2011 (Friday) Field visit with professor and teacher assistant: complete unfinished tasks from previous visit and carry out any additional work. March 15, 2011 (Tuesday) Group consultation: submit a summary of fieldwork. March 23, 2011 (Wednesday) Group consultation: prepare and practice for final presentation. March 25, 2011 (Friday) Give a class presentation: group seminar. April 15th, 2011 (Friday) Submit final report no later than this date. *Dates are subject to change due to weather variability. Budget Work Hours Research: 40 hours Includes preliminary research on methods and background information on Rockwood Conservation Area. Development of research plan and methodology Meetings: 100 Hours Includes weekly meetings to review and discuss methods, research, fieldwork, and the development of the education program. Reports: 50 Hours Includes production of statement of research and field plan, field work summary, and the final report Fieldwork: 180 hours Time for 6 Take a Hike researchers at Rockwood for 30 hours (Including travel) Analysis of site, selection of trails, and activity testing Summary of hours Item |Estimated* |Actual | |Research |40 | | |Group Meetings |100 | | |Reports |50 | | |Fieldwork |180 | | |Total: |370 | | * Labour costs are $25 per hour Materials/Additional Items Item |Estimated |Actual | |Field Supplies |$300 | | |Printing |$150 | | |Transportation |$250 | | |Meals |$350 | | |Total: |$1050 | | The total estimated labour and material costs for the development of the outdoor education program are $10,300. Actual figures will be provided as milestones are completed and the project progresses. Time Management Schedule Dates |Group Hours |Rey |Peter |Andrew |Rachel |Stephy |Zach | |01/07/2011 (In Class) |2 | | | | | | | |01/14/2011 (In Class) |2 | | | | | | | |01/21/2011 (In Class) |2 | | | | | | | |Components | | | | | | | | |Literature search | |1. 5 |2 |2 |3. 5 |4 |2 | |Methodology | | | | |2 | | | |Budget | | | |1 | | | | |Materials | |0. | | | | | | |Ethics | | | | | | |0. 5 | |Timeline | | | | | |0. 5 | | |Literature review | | |6 | | | | | |Editing |5 | | | | | | | Research and Ethics According to the Office of Research and Ethics, since the development of our project does not consist of research that involves humans as participants or research with animals, we do not need to apply for ethics approval from the University of Waterloo. We have the permission from the University of Waterloo for our research in the course Geography 391 – Field Research. In this course we will be working under the supervision of the Adjunct Associate Professor and Undergraduate Associate Chair, Ian McKenzie for the remainder of the Winter 2011 term. Conclusion The various studies examined confirm that the development of an education program within the Rockwood Conservation Area would be beneficial to its participants. The core components of the Ontario School Board Curriculum for science and geography, particularly for grades seven and eight, could easily be integrated into an outdoor education program using the unique natural landscape of the conservation area. Moreover, the teaching techniques associated with outdoor education programs would benefit both the students and teachers in matters concerning social interaction, academics, cognitive abilities, creativity, and physical health. Finally, nature-based learning exhibits conservation methods used to boost environmental consciousness. Take a Hike – Outdoor education can provide all services needed to accomplish this task and develop a comprehensive program for the Rockwood Conservation Area. ***Still need to work on works cited!!! Bibliography Stan, I. (2009). Recontextualizing the role of the facilitator in group interaction in the outdoor classroom. Journal of Adventure Education Outdoor Learning, 9(1):23–43. (http://www. info rmaworld. com/smpp/content~db=all? content=10. 1080/14729670902816611) Marion, J. , Reid, S. (2007). Minimizing Visitor Impacts to Protected Areas: The Efficacy of Low Impact Education Programmes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 15(1), 5-27. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. ( http://www. informaworld. com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a907373106~frm=titlel ink? words=minimising,visitor,impacts,protected) Chapman, L. J. and Putnam, D. F. (1984) The Physiography of Southern Ontario; Ontario Geological Survey, Special Volume 2, 270p. Accompanied by Map P. 2715 (coloured), scale 1:600,000. 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