Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Relationship of Mothers and their Expectations of...

Our mothers have played very valuable roles in making us who a we are and what we have become of ourselves. They have been the shoulder we can lean on when there was no one else to turn to. They have been the ones we can count on when there was no one else. They have been the ones who love of us for who we are and forgive us when no one else wouldn’t. In Amy Tan’s â€Å"Two Kinds,† the character Jing-mei experiences being raised by a mother who has overwhelming expectations for her daughter, causes Jing-mei to struggle with who she wants to be. â€Å"Only two kind of daughters,† â€Å"Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind!†(476). When a mother pushes her daughter to hard the daughter rebels, but realizes in the end that their mothers†¦show more content†¦However, her mother sees it as a way for her daughter to be the best. Meanwhile, Jing-mei decides to rebel against her mother’s wishes. During piano lessons with Mr. Chong she realizes easy ways to get out of practicing. Furthermore, Jing-mei discovers, â€Å"Old Chong’s eyes were too slow to keep up with wrong notes [she] was playing,†(472). As a result, Jing-mei performs â€Å"Pleading Child† miserably at the talent show her parents and all of the members of the Joy Luck Club attended. Jing-mei saw the disapproval and shame on her mother’s face, and decided to stop practicing piano. If Jing-mei’s mother wouldn’t have looked so disappointed and been proud of her daughter Jing-mei wouldn’t have been so discouraged. Jing-mei would’ve still had faith in herself like she did before her performance. â€Å"When my turn came, I was very confident. I remember my childish excitement. It was as if I knew, without a doubt, that the prodigy side of me really did exist. I had no fear whatsoever, no nervousness. This is it!† (474). After seeing the dismay in her parents eyes Jing-mei changed her whole outlook on the situation, which weakened Jing-mei’s pride, causing her to fully rebel from being a prodigy. Furthermore, encouraging her to be who she wanted to be. As an adult, Jing-mei’s mother offers her the piano once more, and Jing-mei accepts the gift. Appreciating the encouragement and faith her mother bestows upon her Jing-mei decides to care for the piano. The piano pieceShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Two Kinds By Amy Tan1567 Words   |  7 Pages One of the most complex relationships is that of a mother and daughter. Amy Tan is an author who writes about her life growing up as an Asian-American in Chinatown. Her novel The Joy Luck Club is a series of short stories about Chinese mothers and their assimilated daughters. One of these stories is â€Å"Two Kinds,† which looks into the life of Jing-Mei Woo and her struggle to gain a sense of self. Some key themes in The Joy Luck Club are the generational and intercultural differences among Chinese-A mericanRead More Amy Tans The Kitchen Gods Wife Essay1222 Words   |  5 PagesAmy Tans The Kitchen Gods Wife      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Amy Tans The Kitchen Gods Wife is the story of a relationship between a mother and daughter that is much more than it seems. This touchingly beautiful narrative not only tells a story, but deals with many of the issues that we have discussed in Women Writers this semester. Tan addresses the issues of the inequality given women in other cultures, different cultures expectations of women, abortion, friendship, generation gaps between mothers andRead MoreEssay on Two Languages and Two Cultures 1028 Words   |  5 Pages Two Languages and Two Cultures United States was built on immigrants and some of the immigrants were pushed from their homeland because of some reasons while other reasons such as America dream pulled them to the United States. Most of these immigrants came from China in 1949, when the communist party took over. These immigrants came with their cultures and languages which are significant in everyones lives because they play a major role in the development of individual’s characteristics.Read MoreTwo Kinds by Amy Tan Essay1820 Words   |  8 PagesTwo Kinds is a story about mother-daughter relationship Ââ€" Suyuan and Jing-mei. Suyuan believed that America is where her dreams will be fulfilled. She thought that her daughter, Jing-mei, would be the one to realize them. Jing-mei, on the other hand, was a confused child at first. She was led to believe that she can be someone. At first, she followed her mother, but when she felt that her mother was already forcing her and stealing her youth, she told hers elf that it was the end. The story is aRead MoreTwo Kinds vs. Yellow Wallpaper1599 Words   |  7 PagesTwo Kinds vs. The Yellow Wallpaper Literature 210 After reading two very different pieces of literature one could come to the conclusion that there are many similarities and many differences between them. By comparing and contrasting the two short stories Two Kinds by Amy Tan, and The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilmans we can better see how they are similar and different. Both authors of these short stories seemed to have created their stories a bit from theirRead MoreRelationship Between Parents and Children in Chinese Family1813 Words   |  8 PagesRelationship between Parents and Children in Chinese Family Guangyao Zhai Teddy Chocos Seminar-126G Apr 1, 2013 In general, parents from different cultures differ in the methods to deal with the relationship between their children. Comparing withRead MoreEssay on The Duality of the American Dream in Amy Tan’s Two Kinds1055 Words   |  5 Pagesdream can be found in Amy Tan’s short story, â€Å"Two Kinds.† The story centers around the daughter of a Chinese immigrant who desperately wants her daughter to become successful. In the story, the author shows the difficult lives immigrants face when moving to a new culture. In this short story, the theme shows the protagonist’s conflict with her mother on the type of daughter her mother wants her to be. The author establishes the theme of how difficult mother-daughter relationships can be through characterizationRead More Comparing Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club and The Woman Warrior Essay1866 Words   |  8 PagesComparing The Joy Luck Club and The Woman Warrior  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Amy Tans immensely popular novel, The Joy Luck Club explores the issues faced by first and second generation Chinese immigrants, particularly mothers and daughters. Although Tans book is a work of fiction, many of the struggles it describes are echoed in Maxine Hong Kingstons autobiographical work, The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. The pairs of mothers and daughters in both of these books find themselves separated alongRead More Point of View in Amy Tan’s Short Story, Two Kinds Essay1094 Words   |  5 PagesPoint of View in Amy Tan’s Short Story, Two Kinds In her short story Two Kinds, Amy Tan utilizes the daughters point of view to share a mothers attempts to control her daughters hopes and dreams, providing a further understanding of how their relationship sours. The daughter has grown into a young woman and is telling the story of her coming of age in a family that had emigrated from China. In particular, she tells that her mothers attempted parental guidance was dominated by foolish hopesRead More amy tan Essay1307 Words   |  6 Pages Amy Tan’s â€Å"Two Kinds† is an autobiographical look into her childhood that shows the conflict between Tan and her mother, the difference between old and new cultures, the past and the present, and parents’ expectations vs. reality. Couples of opposing elements comprise the basis of the entire story; to another extent even the title itself, â€Å"Two Kinds,† shows the friction that Tan creates. The strongest argument that Tan suggest is that this may not only be a loo k into her own life, rather it may

Monday, December 23, 2019

Immortal Beloved Essay - 707 Words

After seeing the acclaimed film, Amadeus, based loosely on the life of the child prodigy and great composer Mozart, the next best or potentially better choice had to be Immortal Beloved, a film focused on the equally amazing Ludwig van Beethoven and his infamous letters to an unknown lover. The sequences of events in the movie were largely intertwined. The movie begins with the death of Beethoven and proceeds with a friend and employee of Beethoven obsessed with justifying the rightful will of Beethoven’s assets and estate to an unknown lover. Avoiding Beethoven’s greedy brother, he travels around to meet with Beethoven’s previous lovers, listening to the tale of each, becoming closer to the truth as the movie moves forward. The stories†¦show more content†¦It is then revealed that a few small events had altered their path to happiness in the beginning, ultimately fueling some of Beethoven’s passion. This only makes the deaf composer’s life more unbearable. As one would expect, the movies trickles famous Beethoven clips throughout the movie in places where they seem a good fit. This is in contrast to when Beethoven plays the performances. In one great scene, Beethoven plays â€Å"Moonlight Sonata† , in a seemingly empty room, with his head on the top of the piano, perhaps to feel the vibrations that he cannot hear. One clever use of music in the movie is when Beethoven’s pieces move characters to tears, brings about healing, or change the way they look at the world. A movement plays, and a specific character describes its uncommon effect. Furthermore, Beethoven’s works depict parts of his life and expresses incredible feelings and states of mind through the music itself. The film helps you to realize this by playing corresponding events during the pieces. Once again, I loved the movie. The acting, cinematography, and specific renditions of the pieces were very good. Most of all, Beethoven was endl essly entertaining, interesting, and enthralling throughout the film. In the beginning of the film he runs into people without care, yelling back something like â€Å"They mean nothing. Their world is finished!†. HisShow MoreRelatedThe Establishment Of Wrongness : Fantasy Literature Essay1573 Words   |  7 Pagesoverrunning towns and villages. The only defense against the horde is a band of immortals governed by the Emperor. Unlike the other two novels wrongness is never seen in the novel, but is inherently implied. Much like the inference that Jant is the only immortal that can fly, the readers must deduce the initial moment of wrongness. This moment beginning when God leaves the Fourlands with the Emperor and his circle of immortals to protect it. The insects invade and the world as it previously was knownRead MoreHow Can Love Saves One From Death?877 Words   |  4 PagesPlato’s Symposium love exists as a drug that never fully satisfies neither the lover nor the beloved. The pursuit of love requires tricking the mind and soul into believing that happiness will be permanent once it has been achieved when in fact it never truly can be. It creates a frustration that in turn drives the lover to love and the beloved to learn from the lover. Thus, the truest, perhaps most immortal love can be achieved only through the love of wisdom and virtue instead of happiness. The ideaRead More‘Spring Offensive’ of Wilfred Owen1400 Words   |  6 Pagesrelates to the old Greek myth of Tithonus, a very handsome youth and the son of Laomendon, the king of Troy. The legend tells that Tithonus was loved by the dawn goddess, Eos, who bore him a son, the hero Memnon, king of Ethiopia. As his beloved was beloved was immortal, he requested her for the gift of immortality, Eos requested Zeus, the king of Gods, to grant this boon to her lover. Though immortality was granted, perpetual youth was not bestowed upon him. Thus Tithonus in his old age wither ed awayRead MoreMemory in Beloved Essay1897 Words   |  8 Pagesemotional experience. Very often it is thoughtful that this neglecting and abandoning is the best way to forget. In Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved, memory is depicted as a dangerous and deliberating faculty of human consciousness. In this novel Sethe endures the oppression of self imposed prison of memory by revising the past and death of her daughter Beloved, her mother and Baby Suggs. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

In the arms of sleep Free Essays

It happened again last night. Just like before. It began slowly, with little things. We will write a custom essay sample on In the arms of sleep or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then it got worse. Much worse. I suppose this is your way of punishing me. If it is, it’s working. If it’s not when I’m awake, it’s when I’m asleep. Mad isn’t it? That’s what most people think anyway. Sometimes I think I’m going mad. Am I? No. I can’t be. It’s so real. I can feel it. It is more than a nightmare. Trapped. Trapped under the hideous black carpet that chokes the sky. Darkness complete. Shadows begin to move, writhing, with an eerie shrill sound of the sucking of the air. Unmoving, I watch. Without breathing. Without thinking. The wind pounds against my face like a thundering waterfall. My breath illuminates the sky in a vivid cloud of white smoke. A trail of ivy cradles gravestones like newborn babies. An ominous feeling of dread seeps through my bones. I am in a churchyard. This is no ordinary churchyard. This is where it happened. He was standing over there. I remember now. Right next to that cross. I shouldn’t have done it should I? But I had no choice. There was no way out at the time. I can feel him now. Watching me like a hawk. His hot breath creeping up my neck. Hark! What was that? Did you hear it? There it is again. I turn my head slowly to locate the sound. It’s coming from the church. The sound is distant and musical – almost menacing. The organ! It plays on like an instrument of torture. I hold my breath. It stops. One . . . two . . . three. There it is again. Calling me. Calling me so softly at first; so softly it could be the blood rushing to my ears. I can hear the words. Katherine . . . Katherine. Come and find me. You know you want to. I’m walking. Walking. My feet have a mind of their own. Uncontrollable. Eyes glued in front of me. I feel like a ventriloquist’s dummy. The church door lies in front of me, like the gateway to hell. My hand trembles violently as I push the heavy iron handle forward. Then the door slams behind me with a metallic slice, like a falling guillotine. Silence. Nothing can be heard except the soft pit-pat of rain. The stillness is worse than noise. I know he’s in here. I can feel his eyes – watching me. Stalking me. I can smell him. The smell of decay and dried blood wafts up my nose like rotten eggs. I feel sick. A thin hot trail of sweat runs down my temple. I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here now! But where is the door? It was behind me. That noise. There it is again. That faint tune. Sheer black terror is sweeping though me, every hair on my body erected. It is dark. So dark. Too dark. My entire body goes cold with terror. Something is watching me. Something is hunched over the organ. Something is there. No. It can’t be. Can it? Just one yard away from me. On my feet, skin crawling and body washed with adrenaline. He plays on. Back turned, but I know he is aware of my presence. My neck prickles as I edge away. The music stops. I walk backwards. Away. Going nowhere. My eyes afraid too – open painfully wide, then narrow – struggling to focus. My eyes close in the terrifying reality of it, lips mouthing frantic prayers, teeth clenched. I dare not look upon his face. I can smell his breath; making me feel nauseated. Heart banging like a drum. I can’t stand much more of this. I’ve got to get out of here. I must open my eyes. I must go. He breathes hard, and a raging movement disturbs his limbs. His yellow skin has sunk into his body, showing the crevices of his bones. His hair, of a lustrous black, reminds me of a beetle. These features only form a more revolting contrast of his eyes. They glow in their own light, like fire fox. They are cold, ravenous. So different. Every shred of decency, kindness, forgiveness and passion, is gone. Replaced by the unmistakable look of a predator. His jaw opens, saliva dripping down his chin. He breaks into a fiendish grin. He cackles loudly, echoing across the hollow room. Stop! Make him stop. Make it go away. Make him disappear. I never could’ve imagined . . .never dreamed of such a foul creature. The devil of devils. I’ve never looked him directly in the face before. His gaze is hypnotic, mesmerizing. He lifts his arm up, his long knifelike fingers pointing towards the ceiling – clenches his fists, so tight – a trail of blood slowly trickles down, like a falling raindrop. He thrusts his arm down in anger; causing a sickening crack as it hits the organ. I shudder violently. He wants to punish me. He’s going to do it properly. Whimpering, I move away. I can’t watch this wretch lead me to my merciless death. I’d rather die with my dignity left alone. A scorched, rotting smell fills my lungs. I can’t breathe. Gagged. I am going to die. No! I will run. I will save myself. I can’t. He is too strong. He throws back his demon head, and lets out a howl of laughter. I look away. Trying not to look upon his face. I can feel fear ripping; opening my chest. Can he not see that I have suffered enough? Can he not see I am sorry? I can feel a surge of dizziness rush through me as my eyes rush in and out of focus. I stand still, very straight, as if paralysed. He rests his cold, lifeless hands on my cheek. My heart contracts with sorrow and pain. My knees buckle. I grab the organ to stop me from falling. This is not happening, I’m thinking. Why? Why are you doing this? Have you no heart? No soul? You did . . . once. But now it is long gone. Buried forever. Now leaning over, to kiss me goodbye – lips purple and cracked, flesh peeling off his face like the petals of a rose. His eyes glittering. A gust of wind whips my hair, stinging some feeling back into my cheeks – some coherence back into my brain. He puts his hands round my neck. Gasping for breath. I feel like a stuffed animal. Like a balloon about to pop. He is angry. He is not going to let go. Please . . .God no! I wake up. Neck throbbing with pain. Sucking in every ounce of air. Relieved. The wind wails as it bangs against the cold glass window. A faint knocking on the door, a gentle rattle of the knob. My door creaks. I stare into oblivion as my life flashes before me. I can feel him. Watching me. Trapped. How to cite In the arms of sleep, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress free essay sample

In his message, Franklin advises his friend that marriage is the best solution not for only sexual desires but also the undisputable source of solid happiness. Having suspicions that his friend would not follow his guidance, Franklin recommends him to choose older mistresses instead of younger ones and lists eight valuables reasons to better support his argument. Franklin commences his essay by presenting advantages of the marriage. He says I know of no medicine fit to diminish the violent inclinations you mention Marriage is the proper remedy. It is most natural state of man and therefore the state in which you can are most likely to find solid happiness. Through those sentences, Franklin seems to estimate that from a masculine view, one of the main advantages of the marriage is to bring pacification toward requirements of the flesh. The recipient of the letter who was the friend of the author seemed to be looking for a situation in which he could find sexual partner and happiness without commitment. We will write a custom essay sample on Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Based on the previous quotes, the author claims that the best situation in which he could find hat he was looking for was a marriage. In his letter, Franklin advices his friend to settle because It is the man and woman together that make the complete human being. If Franklin thinks that the marriage is so positive, this is relied to both psychological and socio-economical reasons. First all he is convinced that the married life is more balancing that the single lifetime. Franklin believes that a man who did not find the soul mate is in other words incomplete, unaccomplished by saying that A single man has not nearly the value he would have in that sate of union, He is an ncomplete animal. He resembles the odd half of a pair of scissors. Based on this judgement, Franklin means that family life calms people; it is the natural arrangement in which they can organize their production strength with the most possible benefit. While Franklin affirms that together there are more likely to succeed in the world there is no doubt that he is referring to the material success. Concerning the woman, it is only in a marriage that she can show up her real values. Through the letter, Franklin continues to give worthy reasons in order to convince the ecipient about getting married. Franklin having doubts that his friend would not consider his advice followed his representation of the marriage by an alternative solution to satisfy his needs. If his friend his not ready to commit and wants to continue a commerce with Sex inevitable, he suggested that you should prefer old woman to young ones. The first raison that Franklin used to support his case is that they nave more knowledge ot the world, and their minds are better stored witn observations, their conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreeable. By affirming this, Franklin makes an allusion to the intelligence of older woman. He illustrates that people gain knowledge as they get older. They have, in principle knew more love stories or adventures than youngest ones, thus they better know men, know how to take care of them and also how to satisfy them. Franklin defends the idea that a debate with an old woman is rich and interesting, because they had been through many involvements from witch they had retains acquaintance. They have lived longer and have things to communicate to you. Franklin also supports his reference for older woman by saying that To maintain their influence over men, they supply the diminution of beauty by an augmentation of utility. This is to illustrate that older woman, with the time spend less time worrying about their appearance, which they use to do more important stuff. To him, when beauty disappears, women improve their service. At their age, they assume their femininity and do so without any complex. Franklin, who was a man of science and also know as Lady Man also gave bodily motivation for choosing an older woman. He implies that Ђ because in every animal that walks upright the deficiency of the fluids that fill the muscles appears first in the highest part. The face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the neck; then the breast and arms; the lower parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: so that covering all above with a basket, and regarding only what is below the girdle, it is impossible of two women to tell an old one from a young one. His purpose here is to assure his friend that there are no doubts or fear to have on the corporal pleasure of an old woman. According to him as in the dark all cats are rey, the pleasure of corporal enjoyment with an old woman is at least equal, and frequently superior. This is to support that woman are woman regardless of age, an old woman can perform the same way as a young one concerning sexual experience. Sometimes, they are even considered superior. Through the note, Franklin by saying because there is no hazard of children, which irregularly produced may be attended with much inconvenience refers to the fact that woman at a certain age cant get pregnant. Thus while dating them the chance of being relied to them by omeone or something is null. This also makes the separation easier and leaves out others inconvenient that children can bring in a relationship. Across the letter, Franklin continues to encourage his friend to choose an old female if this last one persist in thinking a Commerce with the ser. He establishes a formal and highly analytical tone with his receiver about the discretion an old mistress can have in their relationship. He supports his suggestion by affirming that because through more experience they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an intrigue to revent suspicion. The commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your reputation. From the following sentence, the author suggests that with an old woman, it is less probable that the relationship get revealed consequently with her you reputation will be at the shelter because they are more responsible in managing a relationship and they now what they want. Finally, Franklin ends up with his letter by saying they are so grateful. Even thoug h Franklin, in his letter gave an approved receipt to find the best mistress, it is obvious that considering as the ounding father his interest for marriage respond to others concern more important than the promotion ot the psych-to-emotional blooming.

Friday, November 29, 2019

When I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by

When I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis When I have Fears that I May Cease to Be ( 1818; 1848). This sonnet, is possibly John Keats first use of the Shakespearean form, is usually regarded as a prophecy in metaphoric form, of his early death. Shakespearean, too, in theme. He depicts a desolate shore which anticipates John Clare and Matthew Arnold in its emptiness. The sonnet is all the more poignant when we know that Keats died at the age of 25, a tragically young age, with a poetic career of even greater fulfillment in front of him. He was the Romantic poet par excellence: his continuing dedication to poetry in the knowledge that he was dying (from tuberculosis) made him a symbol for the Romantic Movement. At the time of his death, the first generation of Romantics, Wordsworth and Coleridge, could no longer write the intense poetry of their early years. He became an emblem of transience, and Shelley's visionary essay Adonais on Keats's death depicts the exquisite early flowering and then sudden death of Keats, the man and poet. Need essay sample on "When I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed It is evident from this sonnet, one of his most serious, that to Keats the beauty of the marbles consists in their capacity to set the imagination into such play as to arouse anew in the spectator the vision of life the artist had originally caught and then portrayed in the plastic figures upon which he worked. This for the observer is the moment of arrival at "that trembling delicate and snail-horn perception of beauty," of which Keats writes elsewhere the moment of realization of the identity of form with content, of beauty with truth. It is the instant of the completed fabric of the creative imagination, either for the artist or for him who understands his art. That is, in looking upon a Grecian urn the creative imagination of the observer arrives at the same point as did the creative imagination of the artist a delicate, snail-horn perception of the truth the Idea expressed in the urn; hence the beauty of it. The mere external aspects of an urn would not make it beautiful, a thin g of art, to Keats. It is rather that the symbols executed there, themselves a product of mind and soul, still contain within themselves a dynamic something, itself the offspring of imaginative insight, that has the power to set aflame the mind and soul of an imaginative observer: that is true art, that, beauty; that is truth preserved in enduring form for the ages. "For soul is form and doth the body make. Students Often Tell Us:Who wants to write essay for me?Essay writer professionals recommend:Essay Help Service Writing A Paper Online How to Prepare an Assignment Write My Essay Reviews The poetry of Keats may be limited because of its very concentration, its rapt attention to detail and absorption in beauty. But never has poetry been enclosed in an atmosphere of purer enchantment. In 'When I have fears that I may cease to be', the poet imagines a dissolution of consciousness, of thought, thinking 'till thought is blind'. Indeed, in a letter to J. H. Reynolds, Keats comments on writing 'some lines' in Burns's cottage, but says that 'they are so bad I cannot transcribe them', and to Benjamin Bailey he comments that 'I had determined to write a Sonnet in the Cottage. In any poem, but perhaps especially in the compact territory of a sonnet, every word takes on full weight and significance. Metaphorical construction can provide both a method of organization and an avenue of development, as relationships multiply through the course of the poem. In a sonnet such as That time of year, the metaphorical pattern acts as the backbone, the controlling pattern of the sonnet itse lf, further reinforced by syntactic patterns and repetitions. In When I have fears that I may cease to be by John Keats (17951821), metaphor is used similarly to provide fundamental structure. In, When I have fears that I may cease to be, we can see the widening implications of the representational mode Keats learned from Edmund Kean. When I have fears presents a moment of crisis in which the speaker considers the consequences his current state of mind will have on future endeavor. Here, though, Keats is at his most "negatively capable," in the sense that the poem represents a Kean-like "instant feeling" of high uncertainty, expressed precisely from the "when" of that uncertainty's occurrence. And while the sonnet does not represent a moment of strictly cultural reception, Keats relies on the same understanding of subjective experience to convey the encounter. Keats uses the Shakespearean form for the first time in this, his thirty-sixth, sonnet, and the poem is the most compressed expression to this point of negatively capable lyricism. (The observation is supported by the fact that Keats composed When I have fears shortly after composing the Lear sonnet's Shakespearean six-like closing.) The three quatrains--beginning "When," "When," and "And when"--each represent and speak from a temporal moment, a time when, and an affective state, a sense of being as. Each relates the speaker's experience of an action unaccomplished, a potential unfulfilled. In the first quatrain the "high pil'd books, in charactry" do not "Hold like rich garners the full ripen'd grain." In the second, the "Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance" remain untraced. And in the third, the "fair creature of an hour" is never looked upon more. The double connotation of "when" as moment and as state--and its repetition in all three quatrains--gathers and suspends the effect o f each act of perception (the having of fears, the beholding of cloudy symbols, and the feeling of loss of the beloved) until the extended final couplet's expression of "instant feeling": standing alone "on the shore / Of the wide world" and thinking, without an object of thought. In When I have fears, the poet does not reflect on past achievement or consider the promise of future accomplishment; instead, he publicizes a moment of unmitigated uncertainty in which to "think" is to stand paralyzed until "love and fame to nothingness do sink." What is most "theatrical" about the poem, in the sense I have described in this essay, is what is most Shakespearean and most Kean-like about it: not Keats's removal to a "self-distancing point of view" (Rzepka, The Self as Mind 168), but his ability to represent individual subjectivity as a suspended relation between possibilities for self-realization. By naturalizing a language of feeling unmarred by narrative or explanatory context, the poet communicates his crisis as though it were contemporaneous with the reading act. "Negative capability," so often described by Keatsians as a private mode of cultural production, is more properly understood here as a public mode of cultural reception. The poem both depicts (in Keats) a nd encourages (in the reader) a scene of reception rife with uncertainty and doubt, imagining a new kind of relation between the poet's private experience and the public to which he speaks. Edmund Kean played a crucial role in shaping both Keats's attitudes towards his own social rank and his ideas about the changing nature of cultural experience. Educated to an understanding of Kean by Hazlitt's theatrical criticism, Keats's attention to the actor in letters and theatrical reviews in late 1817 and early 1818 coincided with and, I will argue, occasioned his thoroughgoing revision of the poet's role as a cultural intermediary for readers. Keats's poetic figuration of cultural experience crystallizes in a new way in this poem, which bear the marks of Kean's influence first because they render the poet a creature of unapologetic uncertainty, and second because the speaker communicates to the public from within the experience of that uncertainty. As a subject encountering both material and imagined objects--Shakespeare's text, the cloudy symbols of "high romance"--Keats refuses to present himself as a cultural master, or even, like Wordsworth, as an already developed speake r reflecting back on growth that authorizes current speech. Like Kean, he is a teller of the instant feeling, in which past experience and future potentiality intersect, each without gaining dominance over the other. The readers of the poems, like the Keatsian watcher of Kean, feel that the utterer is thinking of the past and the future, while speaking of the instant. Conclusion The ability Keats begins to display in these poems--placing his speaker within the moment of affective reception "without any irritable reaching after fact & reason"--will propel his more intense reworking of poetic expression in the odes, his revision of "romance" in The Eve of St. Agnes, and his refiguration of the poet's relationship to history in The Fall of Hyperion. The "change" that "has taken place" in Keats's intellect at this historical point should not be attributed solely to the influence of Kean. But the change in his thinking about poetry's capacity to represent lower-class experience, in a time when divisions between high and mass culture were becoming increasingly pronounced, bears a striking resemblance to Kean's public embodiment of a new performing subject. Hazlitt commented that Kean's performance of Macbeth was a lesson in common humanity. Such humanity is what Keats had in mind when he expressed a desire to be of Kean's company in December of 1817. The "fashiona bles" and the "blue-stocking literary world" already had their poets, just as upper-class theatergoers had long had Kemble and his school. What Kean was in the theater Keats hoped to be in the world of poetry: a common man of uncommon imagining. Works Cited John Keats, The Letters of John Keats, ed. Hyder Edward Rollins, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958) 1.192-93. Subsequently in the text, abbreviated as Letters. Nicholas Roe, John Keats and the Culture of Dissent (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997) 237-39. Marjorie Levinson, Keats's Life of Allegory: The Origins of a Style (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988) Donald H. Reiman, "Keats and the Third Generation," in The Persistence of Poetry, eds. Robert M. Ryan and Ronald A. Sharp [Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1998] 111). Bate, "Keats's Style: Evolution Toward Qualities of Permanent Value," in The Major English Romantic Poets, eds. Clarence D. Thorpe, Carlos Baker, and Bennett Weaver (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1957 William Hazlitt, The Complete Works of William Hazlitt, ed. P. P. Howe, 21 vols. (New York: AMS, 1967

Monday, November 25, 2019

Use Spanish Words for Pets to Become Fluent

Use Spanish Words for Pets to Become Fluent If you are looking for someone to talk in  Spanish with, how about talking directly to your pet? Learning Spanish can be easy with ongoing practice - even with your pet dog or cat. There are benefits of talking to an animal over a human. You will not get any nasty corrections, and you will  get a chance to practice talking without any interruptions. Plus, even when you make a mistake, your  pet will still be there unconditionally throughout your Spanish-language learning journey. Learn how to say phrases referring to pets in Spanish. Phrases Referring to Pets in Spanish Note that a pet in Spanish can be referred to as una mascota,  the same word used for a mascot, such as an animal symbolizing a team. The term un  animal domà ©stico  and the adjective domà ©stico can also be used to mean pet as an adjective, as in un perro domà ©stico, a pet dog. Additionally, the phrase  un animal de compaà ±Ãƒ ­a  and the phrase de compaà ±Ãƒ ­a can be appended to an animals name to indicate it is a pet. Remember that most of the time the genders given below for animals remain the same, whether the particular animal is male or female. Canary: el canarioCat: el gatoPopular cat types include:el bobtailel gato de pelo largo (long-hair)el gato persa (Persian)el gato de pelo corto (short-hair)el gato siamà ©s (Siamese)Chinchilla: la chinchillaCockatoo: la cacatà ºaDog: el perroPopular dog breeds include:el dogo argentino  (Argentine dog)el terrierel perro San Bernardo (St. Bernard)el caniche (poodle)el xoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless)el mastà ­n (mastiff)el perro esquimal (husky)el gran danà ©s (great Dane)el galgo/la galga (greyhound)el dlmata (Dalmatian)el perro salchicha (dachshund)el collieel bulldogel bà ³xer (boxer)el sabueso (bloodhound or beagle)el basset (basset hound)un chucho  is a muttFish: el pez. A tropical fish is un pez tropicalFrog: la ranaGerbil: el jerbo, el gerboGuinea pig: la cobayaHamster: el hmster (usually pronounced as jmster; plural can include either versions  hmsters or hmsteres)Horse: el caballoIguana: la iguanaLizard: el lagarto, la lagartijaMouse: el ratà ³nParakeet: el peric oParrot: el papagayo, el loro ï » ¿Rabbit: el conejoRat: la rataSalamander: la salamandraSnake: la serpienteSpider: la araà ±aTortoise, Turtle: la tortuga Talk to Your Pet in Spanish After discovering what to call your pet in Spanish, you can progress to learning the  animal sounds  your pets might make, just in case they do make some noises or otherwise talk back to you while you are speaking to them in Spanish.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Target Population Assignment-Phoenix, Arizona Essay

The Target Population Assignment-Phoenix, Arizona - Essay Example The median age of this area is 32.2 years old. The target customers that I have chosen fall between 25 and 59 years old. The total population between 25 to 60 years old is 702,301, and its percentage is 48.6% out of 100%. The total population of female is 671,176 and the population of male is 649,285. This implies that the targeted population constitutes 48.6 % of the total population. This figure is quite large and it can sustain the business of a restaurant. The educational attainment of most people in Phoenix, Arizona is mixed. Some people have gone as far as college but they have no degrees. Around 23% of the people reached high school. Only 15.1% of the population has got bachelor’s degree. These statistics are likely to have a bearing on the behaviour of the targeted consumers towards the products and services going to be offered. Most people in Phoenix, Arizona are doing management, professional and related occupations. Also, around 177,600 People in Phoenix, Arizona are sales and office occupations. Only 0.3% people are doing farming, fishing and forestry occupations. A critical analysis of the population statistics for Phoenix, Arizona shows that the area presents good opportunities for establishing restaurant business. The total population of the whole area is 1, 321, 045 and the targeted population is between 25 and 59 years constituting about 700 000 of the total population. What is encouraging about the statistics presented is that about 66% of the targeted audiences go to work and only 3,7 % is unemployed. On average, the level of income of the targeted consumers for restaurant business is above average and this can sustain business. There are positive indicators that show that the welfare of the people in this area is not very bad and new business initiative including a restaurant can be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Opposing sides of Animal rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Opposing sides of Animal rights - Research Paper Example As might be readily noted, such a sharp stance with regards to the issue of animal rights necessarily encourages many individuals to be categorically against further animal rights. This is of course due to the inherent belief that many individuals have that animals cannot be considered as sentient beings; therefore, extending any form of rights or the expectation thereof, is tantamount to extending rights to an unconscious object. Ultimately, the debate is somewhat circular due to the fact that neither animal rights activists nor their counterparts who advocate a reduction in animal rights rules and practice can definitively prove that consciousness exists within animals and therefore is worthy of a level of respect. With respect to this brief analysis, the author will propose an opposing viewpoint with regards to the inherent belief that animals should engender further rights and protections under law. Whereas it should not be noted that this analysis will take a contrary in view of the fact that animals are important, should be respected, and preserved for future generations, it will be the express intent of this author to engage the reader with an understanding for the fact that many of the fundamental arguments that animal rights activists put forward as evidence for why further animal rights should be manifested within the current world are fundamentally flawed. Firstly, it must be understood that humans are most certainly the most evolved creatures that exist on earth. By means of the process of evolution, humans have a degree of power and control with regards to their environment. For many years, individuals of a religious persuasion believed that God had given mankind â€Å"dominion† over the earth. However, whether or not one believes in evolution or whether or not one believes in intelligent design is not the issue; rather, the issue is the fact that the overall intellects and functional capacity of humans necessarily places them in a situation that they are able to make a discerning judgments and determine value based upon the needs and rights of the environment around them. Said one author, â€Å"There are a lot of people in the animal rights movement who can be very passionate and aggressive, and I applaud people's passion, but when people are judgmental and aggressive, all they end up doing is getting other people to turn away in irritation† (Monastersky 12). For instance, many individuals point to the fact that further rights should be extended to animals. However, an understanding of rights and how these rights originate ultimately is derived from philosophical the value and the means through which a level of inequality is represented. For this very reason, it was not until the 20th century that individuals within society began to take note of the fact that a moral and ethical interpretation of the world necessitated that rights and privileges be

Monday, November 18, 2019

Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16

Review - Essay Example For example, while Mrs. Saunders is a very independent woman and a threat, Victoria is a child, who has no class and little effects  on the society. In the second act, although the class difference between the four women characters can be determined, it is not as widely as in the initial action. All women lie in the middle and lower-upper class in the economy classes, with minuscule differences in the hierarchy. As noted, Churchill attempts to analyze the position of women in the society and their empowerment (Churchill, 2013). In the year 1992, Los Angeles experienced the most destructive riots, which were characterized by excessive violence. This play was written to analyze the tension and problems that were the underlying factors behind the unrest. Some of these factors include racial tension, brutality by the police, and weak leadership in the urban centers. The play takes an empirical view of the events that led to the violence, including ethnic tensions, as well as tensions between people of different class. This play uses a historical analysis approach to ignite a combination of enlightening and meaningful basis that brings up painful and emotions. For example, the play refers to instances where people from different races blamed those of different races for their losses after the Rodney verdict. One congresswoman is shown to have fought very hard for people, arguing that she is seeking to make the Whitehouse understand the plight of the people who have been ignored through the riots (Twilight: Los Angeles. 1992, 2014). Carmen is portrayed as the most provocative of all the girls in a place located near a cigarette factory, such that a man would barely pass without having a glance at her. Carmen sings Habanera, which fascinates all young men present save for Don Joe. Before leaving, and Carmen provokes him by throwing flowers at him. Back in the factory, Carmen is blamed for a quarrel that the girls get into, and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Egypt country, the continent of africa

Egypt country, the continent of africa Egypt, is a country located in the far north-east of the continent of Africa, bordered on the north south-east coast of the Mediterranean Sea on the east coast of north-west of the Red Sea and an area of 1,002,450 square kilometers. Egypt is a state for the majority of its territory in Africa, however, part of its territory, the Sinai Peninsula, is located in the continent of Asia. Egypt borders to the west with Libya, and south with Sudan, and north-east with Israel, the Gaza Strip, overlooking the Red Sea from the eastern side. Pass through its territory the Suez Canal, which separates the Asian part of this part of Africa. The focus of most of Egypts population in the valley of the Nile, particularly in Greater Cairo, which nearly a quarter of the population, and Alexandria; also live most of the population remaining in the Delta and on both coasts of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea and the cities of the Suez Canal and occupy the premises as a 40 thousand square kilometers. While a majority of the desert area of the Republic and is not built-up. Most of the population in Egypt is now urban, a quarter in the Greater Cairo. [Edit]origin of the name Egypts name in Arabic and other Semitic languages, is derived from the root of an old Sami could mean the country or simple (period), which also means for tressor Almknonp. While the Hebrew name Mizraim mentioned inthe Torah (OldTestament) as the son of welding Ben Noah, a grand father who hails from the ancient Pharaonic people to the knowledge of mythology, biblical (Genesischapters 10,[1]6), and known to Arabs as â€Å"Egypt.† Name that was known forthe Pharaoh sin their home language is the KMT, which means â€Å"black earth†, a metaphor for the land of the Nile Valley and the black to distinguish it from the red desert earth Dchert surroundings. Names are defined in several European languages derived from the name in Latin Ijptos Aegyptus derived in turn from the Greek Oijeptus, the name is explained by some as a derivative of the Ka Ptah landeda focus of the spirit of Ptahis the name of the Temple of Ptah, in the ancient capital of Memphis, in keeping with an ongoing exercise to the day in the commonality between the countrys name and the name of its capital. [Edit]history Crystal Clear app kdict.png Main article: History of Egypt [Edit]Ancient History And built around the valley of the Nileone of the first human civilizations, evolved early to state with a central government, emerged as the Kingdom of the North Mmketan and symbolized by the Red Crown and the Kingdom of the South in the south of the border of modern Egypt, and symbolized by the crown-and-white, while each of the Kingdom of the king and the crown logo and own it do not know the specific date on which grew by these or any Almmketan many details from them. And the beginning of written history is the emergence of the Kingdom that included the Nile Valley from its mouth up to the water fall capitalof Memphis in about 3100 BC by the king of semi-mythical traditionally known as Mina (and can be Narmer or Hor Aha) and the Standardization of his kingdoms of the north and south Egyptian. The era of this country a comprehensive renaissance in all aspects of life, where he reached the Egyptian hiero glyphicsto rule after the families of successive ownership over the next three thousand years to be longer unitary States history;[2]

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Software Patent And Copyright In India :: Technology Computers Software Essays

Software Patent And Copyright In India Introduction The 21st century is going to be completely depended on computers. The economy and revenue of the country will depend on software, as everything in the future will be controlled by computers. So it becomes very important for the countries all around the globe to follow rules and regulation. So that there is order in working for the welfare of the public. After the introduction of computers it has always been the need of the ideas so that it can be implemented. But every technology has pros and cons of its own. So many ideas started flowing in minds that ideas started clashing with others ideas. Earlier it wasn’t taken as the big issue. But with so many companies started getting affected in terms of revenue by this problem they had to come up with some law and order. The next step taken in saving someone’s work or idea was Software patent and Copyright. Many people confuse with these two things. Software patent and copyright are two different concepts. Copyright is a work usually written work but not necessarily that, which contains the contents of the work. Whereas the patent is the idea which individual thinks and it prevents others from claiming or implementing that idea. Copyright is about copying. Taking contents from any white paper or official document without quoting who did it is considered as copying. But if some one writes that material by his own without referring that content then it doesn’t violates copyright laws. But in case of the patent you cannot use a particular idea in any case. Overview of Software Patent and Copyright in India This paper gives brief description of the intellectual laws being followed in India. It gives description of laws regarding Software patent and copyright in India. In Indian law software patent was never given importance. The software patent and copyright issues in India started taking momentum recently when they progressed from mere service providers to developers.National Association of Software and Service Companies NASSCOM is the organization in India which enforces for the software laws. According to NASSCOM Patent are considered to be more protective than Copyright. It is the organization which is trying to enforce software laws in India. Indian government has been actively participating for protecting the rights of Copyright holder. The amendments made in the 1994 in Indian copyright act were made in association with Department of Electronics and Ministry of Human Resource.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Pearl Characters Pen Portrait

Pen Portraits-The Pearl Juana- Juana is a very young lady and she has just had her first child. In the starting of the book, she is very calm and does not speak much. Towards the end of the book she is a lot more aggressive and speaks more than she used to. Her attitude changes and she stays by Kino whatever happens. An example is when Kino has killed a man; she helps him hide the dead body instead of telling anyone of the crime. Steinbeck also writes that when she carries out her way of curing Coyotito by putting the poultice on his sting, she does not have any faith in her technique and thinks that they should go to the doctor.This is the proof that tells us that she has a strong belief in authority. At the end of the book, she becomes very stubborn and this stubbornness leads to her son’s death. When Kino tells Juana that she should hide with Coyotito to stay safe, she says no three times without any hesitation or weakness. This is an example of her stubbornness. If she wou ld have hidden with Coyotito, the consequences could have differed. My opinion of Kino is that she was a very strong character and had a very large roll to play in this book.Her roll was not only protecting Coyotito, but she was also Kino’s largest support. Kino- Kino is a young man who thinks he will achieve everything after he gets the pearl. He has too many ambitions such as sending his son to school, getting married, and having a rifle. He tells his ambitions to all the villagers and the priest becomes even greedier after hearing what he can do with just a Pearl. Although the priest cannot do anything wrong as he is a religious man, the doctor can. He also sets himself some ambitions such as drinking wine in a rich restaurant.But to achieve his ambitions he must have the pearl. He tries to seal it but is not successful. Kino knows that on the way to achieving his ambitions he will have to face evil but he is too greedy and the greed makes him blind. All he can see are his ambitions. His foolishness is also a reason of his son’s death. If he would have sold it for 1500 pesos than his sons death could have been avoided, but as I have written, greed can make a person blind. In my opinion, Kino was trapped by the pearl and he can do nothing to get rescue himself from the pearls invisible trap.It is not every day that a man gets lucky. And when Kino gets lucky, he wants to make too much from the luck and this teaches him a lesson; â€Å"you should always be happy with what you have†. Juan Tomas- Juan Tomas is Kino’s bigger brother and his wife is Apolonia. Juan Tomas warns Kino about the consequences of what the pearl could do. Kino does not listen to his brother and very unfortunate consequences follow. For example, Juan Tomas says ‘there is a devil in this pearl’ but Kino knows this but instead of throwing it away, he keeps it as a hope, he keeps it as his soul.When Kino kills a man in self-defense, Juan Tomas and Apol onia hide Kino’s family. This shows us that Juan Tomas’ nature is very helpful although he knows that he is helping a criminal who could be sent to jail or even executed, he remembers that he is Kino’s brother and should always stay as a support for him and his family From my opinion, He is a very humble man and seems happy with his post in his life; yet, he understands Kino and why he wants to earn too much from the pearl. Juan Tomas, although he has a very short part to play, it is still a very important one.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Decision Making Essay

Managers are constantly called upon to make decisions in order to solve problems. Decision making and problem solving are ongoing processes of evaluating situations or problems, considering alternatives, making choices, and following them up with the necessary actions. Sometimes the decision-making process is extremely short, and mental reflection is essentially instantaneous. In other situations, the process can drag on for weeks or even months. The entire decision-making process is dependent upon the right information being available to the right people at the right times. The decision-making process involves the following steps: 1. Identifying the problems 2. Identify decision criteria 3. Allocating weights to criteria 4. Develop alternatives. 5. Analyze the alternatives. 6. Select the best alternative. 7. Implement the decision. 8. Establish a control and evaluation system. 1. Identifying the problems In this step, the problem is thoroughly analysed. There are a couple of questions one should ask when it comes to identifying the purpose of the decision. * What exactly is the problem? * Why the problem should be solved? Who are the affected parties of the problem? * Does the problem have a deadline or a specific time-line? 2. Identifying decision criteria The most obviously troubling situations found in an organization can usually be identified as decision crietria of underlying problems (Table 1). These citeria all indicate that something is wrong with an organization, but they don’t identify root causes. A successful manager doesn’t ju st attack the decision criteria but he works to uncover the factors that cause. TABLE 1| Identifying Decision Criteria| Criteria | Underlying Problem| Low profits and/or declining sales| Poor market research| High costs| Poor design process; poorly trained employees| Low morale| Lack of communication between management and subordinates| High employee turnover| Rate of pay too low; job design not suitable| High rate of absenteeism| Employees believe that they are not valued| | 3. Allocating weights to criteria Assigning a weight to each item places the items in the correct priority order of their importance in the decision-making process. 4. Developing alternatives Time pressures frequently cause a manager to move forward after considering only the first or most obvious answers. However, successful problem solving requires thorough examination of the challenge, and a quick answer may not result in a permanent solution. Thus, a manager should think through and investigate several alternative solutions to a single problem before making a quick decision. One of the best known methods for developing alternatives is throughbrainstorming,  where a group works together to generate ideas and alternative solutions. The assumption behind brainstorming is that the group dynamic stimulates thinking — one person’s ideas, no matter how outrageous, can generate ideas from the others in the group. Ideally, this spawning of ideas is contagious, and before long, lots of suggestions and ideas flow. Brainstorming usually requires 30 minutes to an hour. The following specific rules should be followed during brainstorming sessions: * Concentrate on the problem at hand. This rule keeps the discussion very specific and avoids the group’s tendency to address the events leading up to the current problem. * Entertain all ideas. In fact, the more ideas that comes up, the better. In other words, there are no bad ideas. Encouragement of the group to freely offer all thoughts on the subject is important. Participants should be encouraged to present ideas no matter how ridiculous they seem, because such ideas may spark a creative thought on the part of someone else. * Refrain from allowing members to evaluate others’ ideas on the spot. All judgments should be deferred until all thoughts are presented, and the group concurs on the best ideas. Although brainstorming is the most common technique to develop alternative solutions, managers can use several other ways to help develop solutions for example: * Nominal group technique. This method involves the use of a highly structured meeting, complete with an agenda, and restricts discussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process. This technique is useful because it ensures that every group member has equal  input in the decision-making process. It also avoids some of the pitfalls, such as pressure to conform, group dominance, hostility, and conflict, that can plague a more interactive, spontaneous, unstructured forum such as brainstorming. 5. Analyzing alternatives The purpose of this step is to decide the relative merits of each idea. Managers must identify the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative solution before making a final decision. Evaluating the alternatives can be done in numerous ways. Here are a few possibilities: * Determine the pros and cons of each alternative. * Perform a cost-benefit analysis for each alternative. * Weight each factor important in the decision, ranking each alternative relative to its ability to meet each factor, and then multiply by a probability factor to provide a final value for each alternative. Regardless of the method used, a manager needs to evaluate each alternative in terms of its * Feasibility  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Can it be done? Effectiveness  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ How well does it resolve the problem situation? * Consequences  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ What will be its costs (financial and nonfinancial) to the organization? 6. Selecting an alternatives After a manager has analyzed all the alternatives, she must decide on the best one. The best alternative is the one that produces the most adv antages and the fewest serious disadvantages. Sometimes, the selection process can be fairly straightforward, such as the alternative with the most pros and fewest cons. Other times, the optimal solution is a combination of several alternatives. Sometimes, though, the best alternative may not be obvious. That’s when a manager must decide which alternative is the most feasible and effective, coupled with which carries the lowest costs to the organization. (See the preceding section. ) Probability estimates, where analysis of each alternative’s chances of success takes place, often come into play at this point in the decision-making process. In those cases, a manager simply selects the alternative with the highest probability of success. 7. Implementing the alternative Managers are paid to make decisions, but they are also paid to get results from these decisions. Positive results must follow decisions. Everyone involved with the decision must know his or her role in ensuring a successful outcome. To make certain that employees understand their roles, managers must thoughtfully devise programs, procedures, rules, or policies to help aid them in the problem-solving process. 8. Evaluating decision effectiveness Even the most experienced business owners can learn from their mistakes. Always monitor the results of strategic decisions you make as a small business owner; be ready to adapt your plan as necessary, or to switch to another potential solution if your chosen solution does not work out the way you expected. Conclusion When it comes to making decisions, one should always weigh the positive and negative business consequences and should favour the positive outcomes. This avoids the possible losses to the organization and keeps the company running with a sustained growth. Sometimes, avoiding decision-making seems easier; specially, when we get into a lot of confrontation after making the tough decision. But, making the decisions and accepting its consequences is the only way to stay in control of our corporate life and time.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Marilyn Manson Essays (3721 words) - Marilyn Manson, Manson Family

Marilyn Manson Essays (3721 words) - Marilyn Manson, Manson Family Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson: Pushing the 1st Amendment Marilyn Manson is a name that has been a thorn in the side of society as a moral and ethical issue for the parents and kids of the generation X. He is one of the most controversial artists in the world today, one who chooses to express himself in a way that provokes in the most extreme methods possible. His methods are bizarre and shunned by most of society, as it cannot fathom what he is trying to accomplish. However, further research into his life and beliefs will explain that he is sending a very strong message to the world. A message that is firmly protect by the First Amendment in the American Constitution. This freedom has unleashed a number of technical issues, as well as indirect damage done by the people who would interpret his message incorrectly. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of association (assembly). It also protects the rights of citizens to worship as they please and the right not to be forced to support someone elses religion. The First Amendment also provides for the right to assemble and to demand a change in government policies. (Bill of Rights, Encarta 1999 CDROM). Manson uses this freedom fully, getting his message across by any means possible, mainly to the younger generation. These younger generations are more accepting of his attitude and beliefs, partly due to the fact that teens are more susceptible to mass persuasion and are easily confused. This has helped Manson conjure up a large loyal following of disgruntled teens that are called Mansonites. How Manson gets his message across has been the center of controversy revolving around the US ever since Mansons rise to stardom. His moral, ethical and religious actions have been questioned repeatedly. His ethics may be a representation of how disorientated American society has become in the late 1990s. Alternatively, Manson may simply be showing that the media can be used to manipulate the American mind more easily than their own values at heart. God is in the TV (Rock is Dead) Manson screams. Now, how did this man become what he is today? Where did he form his views about life and society, which would ultimately lead to his notorious antics and cause millions of American parents and city council members to want to cancel his concerts, against the First Amendment? (Politicians Rally against Manson). Marilyn Manson is the band name and the stage name of lead singer Brian Warner, who formed the band in 1989 and whose apparent business savvy and flair for controversy turned into a success. Using androgyny, satanic images and themes of rebellion and death, Manson irked bystanders and proved that outrageous rock was still a viable form of entertainment. (Manson: Rock Star) The name Marilyn Manson comes from a pseudonym of Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson, two opposites of society. (Manson, 85) Ever since Marilyn Mansons release of his album Anti-Christ Superstar, many people have associated and accused him of influencing teen suicide and Satanism, just because he acted, dressed and performed as an individual brought up by societys mistakes. (Marilyn Manson) It is this kind of media and political attention that Manson has received to become such a big name in controversy in the last decade. It all depends in how one takes his remarks and viewpoints. If no attention were paid to Manso ns antics, there would be no controversy; therefore, his entire essence of being the AntiChrist may have been created by society itself. On moral responsibility: Kids see more from their parents than they would anyone else. Theyre the ones who should set the example. (Manson on Manson) This is Mansons criticism of all the parents who would criticize him. Parents are the biggest complainers about Manson, partly because they are of the older generation and partly because they can use Manson as a scapegoat for problems with teenage crime and suicide in the US. We talked about the kids inside, the tragedy of hopelessness, the blatant rebellion against God and Mansons part in the whole thing. (Benson, Its only Rock N Roll..NOT). This is where the conflicts within the First

Monday, November 4, 2019

The film Frankenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The film Frankenstein - Essay Example Finally Frankenstein manages to put life into his imagination. The reborn dead body played by Robert monster was first quite and pleasant but Fritz torments monster and so his criminal brain begins to catapult into a fully criminal behavior. Fed up by the criminal behavior of monster Frankenstein leaves him with his mentor Dr.Waldman. The monster escapes from Dr.Waldman and comes to village to take revenge on Frankenstein. Before escaping monster kills both Fritz and Waldman since Fritz was torturing him with fire and whips and Waldman was about to dissect him to dispose. After escaping from the castle the monster went to Elizabeth's bedroom seeing him she screams and he flees. The manhunt is on for the monster and is found in the mountains. He over powers Frankenstein and ties him to a windmill. The windmill is seta fire and eventually it falls on the monster and he burns to ground. Frankenstein is shown carried. The movie was really close to what Mary Shelly has written in her novel. The direction was so appropriate that it brought the darker side of the story to the silver screen. Shelly was trying to make it clear in the novel that science should not tamper with life. The movie miserably fails to make shelly's point clear.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Health Systems and Healthcare Systems Coursework - 3

Health Systems and Healthcare Systems - Coursework Example In the health care too, the kind of leadership that has to be put in use will affect the system differently. Some of the component of the health care system that will be affected includes, the movement for reforms, the kinds of services that will be offered to the general public and also the quality of the resources and services that is put in use. However, as it is known, there is no universal management system. Contextual factors which includes things like political and socio-economic systems (Dorros, 2006, p. 5). Regardless of the nation that intends to perform health care reforms, the following questions have to be answered in order to arrive at the most plausible answers; when , what kind and from whom does one get the health care from? Who caters for the health care? how much can they be able to give?, and who paid how much and for doing what? For a country like Nigeria, the resources are not that available and there are numerous instances of corruption. Moreover, the health care system of Nigeria, not every member of the organization is educated to the level that is required. If Autocratic kind of leadership is employed, it is likely that it would not be efficient since there are limited number of doctors and more patients and nurses. It will make it significantly hard to for the leader of a health institution. If the Faire Laissez kind of leadership is employed in Nigeria’s health care system, there will be increased incidence of corruption in the health care system. It is because of this that it is necessary that such a method of leadership should not be put in place. Also the workforce is that which needs to be pushed around so as to perform tasks. An autocratic kind of leadership is bound to inhibit innovation and creativity if applied in the health care system. The participative leadership style seems a little bit beyond the integrity level of Nigeria and should be viewed as something that can be done in the future,