Saturday, February 15, 2020

Sports Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sports Medicine - Essay Example If any question is answered in the affirmative in the first stage questionnaire then the person can start the exercise program or aerobic testing only after getting medical clearance. Though, in some cases the experienced exercise specialist may use his judgment to allow the person affecting certain problems to start an exercise program. People who are not at high risk can begin low or moderate level physical activity without the need for medical clearance. These people are also eligible for the stage 2 of the screening program if they wish to increase the intensity levels of their exercise or exercise testing. Stage 2 identifies people with moderate risk as those with age more than 45 in case of males and more than 55 in case of females or those with 2 or more than 2 risk factors for heart diseases (SMA,2005). People at moderate risk can do only moderate exercise without medical clearance. Those who are young and have less than 2 risk factors are at low risk and can undergo high intensity of physical exertion without a need for medical clearance. 2. ... This is unadvisable as it puts undue strain on the heart and lungs and poses risks of complications in the individual; also if the level of exertion is increased it is likely to deter people from taking the test, especially those leading sedentary lifestyles. 3. Which if any, of the energy pathways is fully utilized during the Wingate test If not, why not A. Adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine energy pathways are fully utilized during the Wingate Test. The ATP stored in muscle cells are broken down into ADP and phosphate. ATP molecules are quickly exhausted in the muscle cells. More ATP are produced by combination of ADP and Phosphate molecules but it takes a long time. Finally glucose is broken down in the absence of oxygen to produce pyruvic acid. 4. What factors contribute to fatigue during the last 10 seconds of the Wingate test A When pyruvic acid is formed from glucose by process of glycolysis, the absence of oxygen leads to the conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid which has a corrosive action on muscles causing fatigue hence bringing down the performance. Also the energy produced by this anaerobic process is much lesser (2 ATP) than that by aerobic respiration in which complete breakdown of glucose molecule takes place leading to fatigue. 5. Explain in your own words what the fatigue index is and why it is relevant to performance A. Fatigue index is decrease is power divided by time interval between the peak power and minimum power. In athletes it's of utmost importance as it determines the nature of their performance. Many factors contribute to fatigue index like functioning of heart and lungs, muscle

Sunday, February 2, 2020

An act of courage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

An act of courage - Essay Example o researchers on behaviors working closely with the police administration, the results obtained have more to tell regarding the manner in which some families conduct themselves. According to Natasha, in the article Where are the Men?, results indicate that most of the children involved in crimes and drug trafficking are the ones brought up by single mothers. Additionally, another group of the children affected by this syndrome come from families where the father is inactive in playing the role of shaping his children in learning good morals and in become self reliant. Fatherless homes suffer from invasion from any outsider since the father figure is absent in such families. There is no complete love that children should draw from both parents. The mother is therefore left with a big burden that she cannot bear on her own. Later in life, I learnt that my first cousin, Johnson, engaged in drug and substance abuse due to lack a sound father in his life figure to emulate. Johnson had been reared by an industrious mother who would try her best in providing for her family. The cousin, by the name Johnson, cleared his junior school and instead of proceeding with studies, he opted to start his own business in the city. His initial business was a small shop selling clothing. The business succeeded and within four months he had registered a significant profit. Everyone in the family got amazed at the outstanding work of Johnson. After another three months, the performance of Johnson’s business started dropping, something that shocked everyone who had hope on him. The question on everyone’s mind was, "what could be wrong?" The poor performance was as a result of lack of sound business skills. Johnson did not know the concept of saving or even reinvesting. He used to spend almost every sale he makes. Johnson’s mother approached Johnson’s father requesting him to have a talk with the son, hoping that he would sustain the business. Shockingly, instead of addressing